Oreenwood avenue. The Third division wl net1 hi .erbers'and friends at 1 o'clock May 25 at the hiome'of MrE.Haod ray 800 Greenleaf avenue. The' Spring Rummage sale fg beinpg held today and tomiorrow husay and 'Frlday) at the church...Tu. a Thie Father-Daughter banque e e 6n:hld0 h Vening (Thursday) at 6:0O'clock In the Great I!all. TheChorus choirmetfo eera tnght (Thursday) at 8 O'Clock ln the Junior roomn, under the direction.of Miss~ * Marie Briel. Ail, members are urged to be regular In attendance between now and tbe end ôf the chýoirseason. * There will be open bou~se at-Garrett Iibllcal Inatitute next Sunday, the 22 from 4 te 6 o'clock. Wesley miaterial will be displayed. Ail Wlmette friends are niost cordlily Invited. The G~il Scout Leaders' association wlll meet ln the Girl Scout room Tues- day evenlng, May 24, at 7:»0 o'ciock. The following Scout troope for boys an~d girls are spotnsored by this church: Girl Scout Troop 2-Thursdays at 3 :45:p.m. t Girl Scout Troop 4-Tuesdays at 3 :45.C p.rn. Brownie Pack 1-Wednesdays at 3 :300 p.m. t Boy Scout Troop 3-Tuesdays at 7 :30 p.m. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Recognized a s one . of the out- standing, .leaders in Amerilcan Jew- ish lite,; Ra bbil Heller bas made notable contribu- tions to the lead- ership and devel- opment of major Jewish organiza- tions and his message, 'The WisestJ e w i s b bb; J G.Hotte. Defense." will, at is poini'ted out, be the, considered ex- pression of a brilliant and scbolarly, mind in. close. touch with worlçl aff airs. Rabbi Heller is at presenita 1 1nember of the board of governors ofl the Hebrew Union college, of the Koverning commission of the Hillel Boitelesa EoIIed LAMB' ROAST 19838 genumoe sprfng quabity lamb, very tel!- dir,. delicately fliavorome and. t,,at enoug jute. j. mnait goôd. POT ROAST Ail Selectehl. Cut from» the Ouest prime beef ; tender, Julcy, succul nt. 3 ReLAMB CHOPS ' order. Lb......... .... The Oinest of beef; aged to perfection. Tender and jUley and deliciously savory. Oth amI. 7tJi Bib ,nlmeaï>rY,¶Xavorieome fowl 35 4. 3 to 3%k lb. av g.lbM. .............b. 49* r~, ~ t. .. . . . a 1Gifted Rabbi Heller's1 his chosen pi aimed one 'of th, ib. 26e BROILURS Split, Ready for theI libc Size Achools at '9:45, and Morntflg Jray-er with sermon at'il a.m. TJ Thursday, May 26, will be Ascension per Day, one of the great HoIy Days of lC the Church. There will be celebration of Holy Communion at 7, 8, and 10 a.m. fI This ' Sunday le known as Rogatton Jaxi Sunday, and Monday, Tuesday andpr Wednesday as Rogation Days, daye0on mee whicli prayers are offered for an abUp- He] dant harvest. br [he e y the T ich dinner, directors b willgive servicce, whi( "r