Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 May 1938, p. 14

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At. the i oning worship hour. Mr. HtPtdley il pr.eh the Srimb-f-.tie- Mouth, "In Tour clwn Gardien- l- .mtorninnln alc siewil heasolw: Bteulah M'm Offibrtoii lyniHý% - - 11> OolSiean w0ay. ar 3- -K Izn1~d etrecle- T :3CQwr soawhocl faeult)'. Z.:3ê-4.'anpIre tirle nt the h(ome c,-f alve luawmt T ~ê-&- ivts. rrý%xp Il. 1dlrner. I3-4tvi~ eholr rehqmrsal. 1 'I A chor rhe.'I', I-4~es~-~.rtw~steiroIeruni T t-ICubPa* ..t xtti. hý.me! c Kkesses: Ul le >mrs, ,VVW.kerrT KCoch andi Mrm.0-.N.larnb, WM ipre- ,ent'«thé e operetta. "«Tie Nlfty Sghop.", .NMr.. and 2mrs. A. C. r.iungbêrg *ill, show their eulor mçvvies matie ln $Sweden ast ,suinnier. Mmr. Alfred Heeren$ anti ceu- milttee will serve relresirments. 'Nead-. eiso harge, but, an offering te de- fray expenseès. All are tnost wek.-Onre. On Saturday frouxi 4 te , :30, the ýAn- nuaîl l.ain P*rtîy tf 'îire BRapîist Chli- drens: Honre ý-il bê ,held on thé e guntis ai 2Nisywvttl,-Entertaininent. and iz*ants. tytfeshiinents andi f1ellewship nilake an Onlt ,undav nxorning. l'aster Allison wffI pbserve thée Sth anniversary cf. iris trdinajtim% tetir te gospel, minisîtry. He williýl tinue preaehlobng ite chiltiren andi aise, te. aduits feinthe 'story of fthé %Alostin luthé Bock of .Aets,. Chureh eeo l classes nmee.t a C l ockant tue ervce t weshi isaiil. . There wil i beno regular neeting et thre ofiersie theïr fortlicouutung play wili rtequire &II of thre turne. Tis ilarn- ,>Us woxê.veU etiïlel -A Craxy -Mix- Up." will turui-,i urany Iauà7,hs aUi. viren pdsdou Fralay ,evenîl-,gmay ~.The tiekets miay ie stcured of imcm- bers of there oriety. At least !5 d1.~ nivstr will re re.semt thi~s eiurNvh ait the-North- er ~ts Neîo n M'w-ukte may 2îth t%> Z Par frgv~p O ê'erptogetl-er are tunde-r 'aOn ie Convetion uvdaiý, -Mav ?2 tîn rnasme a wl cep'Wi, *nuian St T~?,~aA. t~y u~. C'~s~ s Mai' fi. St. John's Lutherau N~ ~uette anti !'ark avectxe~ H~ ~ PS~t r ~L~N ICL,~ ~ a.m.-F~rst' serr:ctx a ::.Xfr~n .xf tkre'e te n't~ y~s. Organ PreudePrelude ... Flagler Athemn-I hear Thy Volce ..... Lang O-«ffertory--Offertory.ý..........Flagler Solo-God la ln,.Everything. Clokey (!iss .Aines> A cordial invitation is extended Ito those n'et attending: church elsewhere to cone and worship wlth us. Trhisý is 1a Union church. Its muembership ,includes people, froin varîous denonlinat ions., It prîolatmns the essential- truths of ,the Christian faith. It, desires. to provide for the ceinmunity the service. of wor- ship, religlous education and soeial fel- lowehip. it welcodries the ce:-operation lef ail peopleof gooti will who wish tô prni-ete thre welfare of Ibe neighbor- heýot. thre realimation of effective meth- otds of philantbropy, and.tire extenio of the Giospel into ýail the world. ThéeùSndày school. will meet at tI :45 a.n. There are classes for oýhildren be- tween.,the age-qi f the kindergarien'and thre higi school. Vîisitorsei are welcome. MemoialDayWUIl ie ,.bseèrved 'ani he Sunday setiol anI zthe church on May 21. First Presbyterian Çrrth sireet .rt GCreeneaf avenu- ýhe ;'k tie attr viii preacti hthre next -zermoi, an thre s--s n -Imitation of Jes,ýus.- Th'e ermon viii *ire on thre lhernr. -lmiaation £if . esu--Self-Re- :ra ýni. These sernions aim at a pràc- lacýai apiiùaz,;on oi nire examxpie anti pr:cipe~-fr Jusus -,,, ur daiv ltves. We inv'ize Yau -to woýrsliip w'tir us. -iz c c.ntit z the Englisk Lutheran Seventir street at Greenleaf "1A HOUSE OF~ WORSHIP", The Rev. -Davidi R., Kabele, pa';tor SUNDAY SERVICES Church school........9 :4.7a. r. MNorniing worshipi.............1, 1:e.m., Junior Luther. leàrgue' ........... 3 P*M* Senior Luther league......5:30 pâ.. The mnusic for-tie Service of Worship next Sunday- rnorning is as foiIowe: Antien-Peace I Leave with YOU.................Roberts * The Senior choir Solo-O Savior Sweet.......... Bà ch Richard Merkle, Postlude in D.,.....,.......Lemrmens Victoria 3McLeod-Ministry of %IUSIC. The Senior choir wil rehearse on, Thursday evenig at 7 :30 'cok Thre'Junior choir 'wiil rehearse on Saturday rnorning at 10 o'clock. The Chrch schooi cQvnes, 4fn Sun- day morulng at 9 :45- o'cioc.ik There are classes for all ages. We invite you to learn wlth us in our Church schooi. Attend our service of worshlp next Sunday morning at Il o*ciock. The young people*s organizat.ions of thre church will meet on Sunday after- noon andi evening,* the Junior Lutfier league for the high school age group at 3 o'ciock andtihie Senior Luther league at 5 :30 o'clock. Thre Junior Luther league is having a recteption for thre e.uoy-ne street, Ch icago, *ponsored- ýutheran Brotherhood.s of t he Chica >nference. A)ttend church rèrgulariy' Methodist Church' Wiiette avenue at Lake avenu~e Amos Thornburg. ainister Tire ~ lb. ehrir w~ ~ tut ay t~ tire - aa4 eLalu i ~ 'i~~ ugw~ oI~o i i m .5 I

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