Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 May 1937, p. 72

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>ýWith her own sister, Marion, as maid of hôtior, anid her future, sistr-inawMiss Anne Stroýng,ý as one of lier bridesmaids, Miss. Adeline C. Salmon will be mar- ried to Walter A. Strong, Jr., in a service to take place Saturday afternoon, -May .15, in the First. Congregational chu rch. of Be-' loit, Wis. The Rev: Elmer Voci- kel will read the service at 5- o'cbock daylight saving time., Followingthe ceremoeny, the bride's Parent., Mr. and Mrs. Edward e. Sa- mon, will hold a reception at the Beloit Country club. The bride's attendants, in addition to h er sister and Miss Strong, will be Miss and ,ong bas asked .onathan, to-be er brother, Ro ýy Y tsbmrRemb)randt Art Stùîatô Davidson of One of t7cyo Iwnor attendats of ara Stier of the May Queen at the Carle ton Col- lege May fete oit May 15, is Mise 1one of bis Frances Ellis, daugh ter of Mr. and bis best man,, Mrs. -Willia;,n Ellis of Wilmiette. )bert, will be Miss Ellis has woit distinction in eting the list Many ~fields of activily during hor ie bridegrooni four years ut college. ber s who wish to attend are invited. The delegates fromn the activechap. ters will be. hboused at ýthe Kappa;> bouse. Friday. morning is registra- tion for delegates. Luncheon is f rom 12.:15 until 1:15. At 1:30 an opeii session will bc held with the Province president, Mrs. Lewis T. Gregory of Urbana, presiding. Round table. discussions on rush- ing and ýPani-Helienic, will start at 2:45 o'clock and continue~ until 4:45. Dinner, from 6:15 until 7:15 wiIl bc followed. by discuissions on . pledge training, and the function of the ad- viser from the active and alumnac viewpoints. A, fireside service wilI hec held'at 10.o'clock. The Saturday programn openls at9 o'clock in tbe morning to continue for forty-five minutes, with Mrs. H. V.* CôniidIt of Evânston, jprovinice vice-president, presiding. The program for the remainder of the day is: 12:15-1 :15, luricheon; 1-i1:30, election of officers; 1 :30-3, dis- cussions on scholafship; 3 :15-5 :1.5, conference between o utgoing and in- coming officers; 7, formiaI banquet at the Georgian hotel. Several parties honoring Mviss Hiarriet JZanrn of Winnetka and Hlarvey B. Stevens. of ' Chicago are pre ceding ýt h e i'r. mrarriage. May 8 ý>ý.Mrs. Frederick B. Hamm of Glen- coe entertained at luncheon recentiy, and Wedniesday evening of last week Mrs. Homner E. Robert son, a sister of the brid e,. had a dinner party at her. home, 9 Warwýickc avenue, and Thursday evening, April 29, Mrs. Lester Dunbar of Evanston entertained at dinner. A cocktail party was planned for Sunday, evening by anothersister, of' thebride. Mrs.. Rush. C. ;Butter, Jr., 354 Kenil- worth avenue, Kenilwo>rtb, at wbose home the bride's mother, Mrs. Edwarcl F. Hanmm,. w1t! give the bridai dinner Friday evening, May 7. Arrùiig in, tirne for, the bridai dinner Nvill be the brid egrootnýs parents, IMr. and Mrs. Charles A. Stevens, their son; Charles,and their son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr. anmd Mrs. Frederick Hoehler,ý ail of. Cincinnati, and the bride's uncle, B. J. Hammi of Washington, D. C. The Rev. Herbert L. Willett, ininister of the Kenilworth Union church, will read the wedding service at 4,30 Sat- tirdav afteron May 8, at the hiome of brothers at Be1oit college g a bacbelor dinner lor himh. showers are beinig given, ini Mr. and Mvrs. Willim i Greenwood avenue, Wi' been choseii one of tbe tm tendants of the May Qi Carton college May fe 15. Durina' ber four years at Carleton, e in Y. «W. mIet of the iation. and the north shore will give a silver tea te ý5ea Island, 'za, NIL. evnau from 3 te 6 o'clock Friday afternôon, bis bride will return to the northi shore May 14, at the home of Mrs. Alfred to spend the summner in Mrs. Hamm's Pittman, -204 Davig street, Evanston. bouse. She will leave June 15, te re- the proceeds of wbich will to to. the main until September at her summer Principia chapel fund. The following borne in Castle Park, Mich. group of, hostesses is inviting ail in- terested to be present: Mrs. J. Frank Grimes, Mrs. Douglas Grimes, Mrs. Thomas B. Walton,_ Mrs. Percy WiII Join Ranks of ,week-encl.,ý attend the IK be away for he: river earlier f rateri are gi Sever ~Lat i:v >ck. I

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