Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Apr 1937, p. 65

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O)N A MOSTr DELIGH¶'FUL SITE, AD- Joining Skokie Country Club, 15tb fair- way. This irregular plece 0of land covers considerably more than an acre. >Because. it i. part of a synali estate,, Iandscabing and iawns bave bad cont ant care and are in excellent condition. Ten;rinutes walk will1 take you to school, cburçhes, trains or laite. Neyer placed :on the lnarket betore, this property can be bought for $ 15,000. See 4amne'at 770 Bluff St., Gxlencoel- 1RNEST M. KIMBATL, Owner. 66 Et. Lots in Evanston MANOR - ADJACENT TO Lincolnwood. R e a d y for building. Faces beautiful 1 -acre park developmnent. Fromn $55. Mr. Van Kirk at Gre. 2800, 3336 Churcli St. VU~ni $2,00 IF i0 AcRES, -4 MILES SOUTH ýWEST L of ývillage, ex $25,000 90 ACRES., HIGHLY PRODUtierVE dairy farm.- lovely old bouse. 4' miles south wteâst of village. ACRES,$12.000 40 ARS MODERN HOUSE BEAU-, tifül country side, 29 miles to Chicago. EIGHT ROOM HOUSE, GARAGE, 8 blocksto echools, finest landseapIng, frUit treées.. An ideal opportunity at ridlculously, 10w price. BEATUUL. 3 BED)ROOM HOMP, EN- closed porches. modern, 2 blocks to schools and transportation, fine grounds,ý sunken garden. Priced to oeil. 6 ACRES ()F THE FIPiEST BRINKER1 522 Davis St. Gre. 1855.,liol. .85try Club. d. 114LTN.7-ltcý NINE ROOM HOME, CLOSE IN LOCA- Or Unuualtion with excellent Improvements and d( Unusal 0 portnitylandseaping. Situated high on 198'X132' FOR YOU TO OWN A FINE LAR<J E- lot. Priced low. 97 lot in Glencoe overlooking the skokite GENTLEýMAN'S FARM 0F-40 ACRES, Country Club at a reai barýgain. rolling part wooded Including ftne mains 71xl78 ................ $(; O4J bouse and guest bouse, ail modern hn- 820x175................ $6.:r00 provements. garden bouse, stables, or-t 10017 . . .. 6,00 chard, unusual and picturesque. Desir- . li SMART & GOLEE, InC. able location. Will separate. Terms or e) 1564 Sherman Ave., Evans. Wii. 2486 trade, A Savinugoiand Joan ASUoci.t.ion of Wi- mette. Mfr. Clitton, Secrtary, 1126 Con- tral Avenue. Wllmette 1623. 127A-LTN10-ttc REAL IESTATE LOANS- WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR Firat Xortgage loans on North Shore property. Interest 4%k% to 6%. joseph C. Cormack & Co... 1669 Sherman, Evanston Uni. 3853 FOR UALPE-HOUSfHOLD,4OOOOS WE SUGGEST AS BEST: BUYS 0F THE WEEKý BATLE REEK HEH BUUDuR, vibrating exerciser, like n ew 0' W*lnut dting room se t excellent ScOt.;i tion. Table, 0 chairs and buffet, $50. 669 Vernon Ave., Glencoe. IZOLTNSI-to DAVENPOIRT GOOD. CONDITION CÉEA.P PHIONEWILMETTE 1264.. 1S9LTN51l-ltp UNCLAIMED RUGS IS--Ixl. 8x10 and OxO. 1000 yar'ds of çai'Pet 1913 CHURCH ST. GAS RGE ;.'ICE Box; LAWN MOW-- er; mise. garden tools; tboy' bicycle: single bedstead. Call Wllmette 2503 afternoons and evexings. 129LTN61-Itu 3-PIECE ANTIQUE WIALNUT BED- Ave. water; good ishing cent; 'suitable for1 location; fully rei appointment. Rober Mual, Wis. OVERLOOKING 0C course on a privat 4iome site of more1 to seli immediately. SEARS REP 421 Richmond Road 1 ACRE LOT IN M *nivduai or group PRE.O LN &, strcted. Shown by PRES0 ADFOR- rom si rt P. Ferry_. Lake SMIAîL COUNTRY HOMES. ture, $ il 4LTN [1 ltc HELENE LEDERER laneou' NWENTSIA (.O1F EXCLUSIVE AGENT Mrs. Ge te rd., is a beautiful E anS.Poe3 than an ýicre pritced 250E.Mi StPon 7 _ __ r., ESAEBarrington 124LTN1-1tc EN U KeniwoTh 5T 5 AC R ES ON I-1ARRISON 8 e. . 1 Kniwotil5:88 Street nr. Evanston limits, Mahog. 114LTN.S'l-Ite 550 hair ma OUTHIEL, JST and sted rTF _LJS 9 acres in Northfleld. nr. For- tin lise. 2300 iWYATT ë Rd.I r628 11026 Waukegafl Rd., -fln 1j. ý envlew Ph. 81 125LTN51-1te RD.t le 'on CR052r ue,

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