borne at 1035 CUlestnut avenue, or leave them at her house. April is the month, when. tbe silverware is usüally mpurchased. Sundayp May 9,15s homfecoMing day: atArden Shore, a day of reuntion.for former, campers Who cone back to join >the boys -of the current WVinter camp for a day together. It is a timne when al ýfriends of Arden Shore, whether members *of comnittces or not,l are urg-,ed to drive to. the camp. and see for themselves thé work acconiplished w'ithi undernOur- sished boys, to see their. records mId! charts, té hear their special progratu. Trhe prograrn is in the .afternooi. Study Culholic Action at M etnjontna The Catholic Action Study groul), affiliated with the WVomail's Catholicý Club of Wilmiette civics departienlt and open siot only to club miembers but to members of St Francis Xavier parish and anvoné initerested, will have its iext meeting Monday. April 20, at 1 oc>dock. at thie home of Mrs. Henry G. Dl1ton. 1029 Chestnut avenue. Tt is Mr&s. Knight Blanchard, forniicr jresident of Uic ilmnette center of the Infant society of Chsi-' ca go, is in charge of bridge arrang e- euts for. those uw/w wish tb play cards al the ýFortuneI baliltisai Iii- fan Welfare,. is, 1giving Satturdayi eenépipig, April 24, at the Drake ho- tel. Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard are .....ý,;.,.- jroty nsitrn to10Kenil- mlej Enumerate a P.w of Rummage Sale Bargoains A piano, a gas stove with heat regu. sphlüts after the early iss metigwihsuccess. Any vparish mnemn- ber wishilng to obtain any particular 1 ))00k, magazineC, or periodical on Cath- olic action is asked to let his deniands be known. MNrs. Dalton annoillces. and an effort wil be mnade to filfill the request. The Study group. illeelitng every 1 ther week, at Nirs. Dalton's home, is served tea after the discussion. of the evenling review of "A be iJ.ý- sin the the Wilmiette k'arish metinoulst ciuc is baving Thursday and Friday of this. week. The doors are open f roin 8 to () éach day for the event which is ld ini the basement of the church at the cor-. ner of Wilmiette -and Lake avenues Clothing, shoes, dishecs, are ail incliffe(1 in the goods on sale. for .1 BEHIND YOUR BO1TLE 0OF BOWMAN MULK <SECOND 1H SURIES>