TJO ÂYdthe Mo r car routine dri y'iag accUnut for mmDs of the milleqge. Crs and roads bave improved, buttthe pursuit of motoeing pleasure for its own sake has de- creaed. To car owners who think diey can never recapture the kick and thrill of their 'first car,"p we wam to introduoe a new kind of automobile, the Lincoln-Zephyr Divme of experience will ap- proack the Lincoln-Zephyr with cagerness, as they would a newly designeci airpiane, ani at each new feamue their minds i'silogical!' TMure are in fact 80 many new features to thie Lincoln- Zephyr that it is difficut totaire them ail ini at one tinie-its smoothi, sleek beauty, ie. Lincoln pared for surprises the instant they step into their first Linco1n-Zephyr, of 1937. Fromf the passengers' stand- point the interior is more than roomy; frorn the structural- radier tiuan over shem. Out of thlis one fsct grow nuanerous feutures that you have desired for years without perhaps realizing it windshield. Let hium show you how tAis new Lincoin-Zephyr de- sign licreases your safety andi your' a verage speed at exceptiooally low cost for a car of tAis size and power. Any Lincolai-Zephyr dealer wilI be