Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Apr 1937, p. 80

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11 a.n,-Second service. g pm.---Mefthly evening service. "Meetigs Open bouse. todaY, 7 te il P.m. Senior Walter league. Fniday, 8 p.m. Frlendship .ctrcle, Friday, 8 p.m, Wlth Mrs. Hl. A. 'Roth, 1204 Lake avenue. Young Mtheres circle, menda.y, 8 p.m., with Mrs. M. H. Sefert, 305 Seventeenth etreet. Social circle, next Thursday, 1 p.m., with Mrs. P,. :F. Fromm, 1330 Maple avenue. Martha gulld.. next Thursday, 3 p.ni. The order of. service at il o'cloekç on Sunday will inclu4e the following Prelude Second Mevement from àonaita ln B Flat Minor .......... Brahmsl Introit-"Make a Joyfiil Noise Unte God, Ail Ye Lands"..,e......... Shmauck Anhm"Amgt and Eyerlailtiflg God" .............. Orlando Gibbons Offertory-Pa8torale ...........Scarltti * The Sermefl-"The Attributes of God"p ...... ................. palm 90:12 Pestlude-MftrCe............. Chausen the tranqullo, f rom Third prelude-7Molto............ .. BO, Sonata ............ .. B c Sl-1Cannot Alwaya Trace the WaY" <Mr. A. Johnisoni)............... Olde Tiie sero- TruhSoirowto Joy" ........................ John 16:16-23 Postlude-Fugue ln C Miner... Baci Cerne, ye disconsoiftt8, whre'er ye7 languish, Corne te the iniercy-Beat, férvenly Thie annijal mneeting Of Wilpmette ]BaP- tiet church wlll be held on Wednesday eveing, May 19, wlth a banquet, a prO- grain of talent fromn our own memnbel'- ship and a happ>y close of a successful year of,ëhurch administration. The new fiscal year begins May 1, but tine lu ai- Iewed for compiliflg flancial and spirit- ual reports of al erganiziitioliu. The nominating committee consièsaof Chair- mian J. D). Dingle, Mrs. W. D. Millard, G, B. Williams and E. W. Roberto. Thie Budgtet comimittee, Frank G. Guthrldge, chairmani will -have a challeiiig re- port te maâke, Nearly 200 Wilrnette women -oftthe varlous churches, attended a "fleci- procity Meeting". ln this church last Friday. It was a .vuluable demnonstra- tien of cooperation. with a fine, pro- graxm, includlig a piea, fer Christian fra- ternity by Dr. Preston Bradley. Metlodist Ckurch The lFlfth division wilI meet Thursday, April 22, at 12:30 'clock for luncheon at a place to be annouiioed later. The Goodwll l Truck cornes, to WIl- mette, on Fri days. Please.,netlfy the church office, Wllmette 2348, before Friday morning if you wish to havete truck eail at your home.. The annual Spring Luflcheofl wilIl be held May 9, at the Georgian htel ln Evanston.* Ail womell are urgelt to re- seYve thedate. The:F.ourth division là ln charge ofplans., There .ls a Nursery where pareitg may leave smali clidreni during the worshp service Sunday nornings. St. uutn Dr. luübert Carleton, rector Sunday, April 18, - will be the third 1Suniday after Easte.r. There wlll be >,.d% inn .*t 9i a. rn. Church -eluile at 1045 ;tu CK music for next Sunday se- 18, *Ill be Oxfera andu .vjun -L.41& chureRi service is at Il o'clock. The music for the church service ivili be as follows: Prelude--Andan.te.........Mendelssohn Anthen-I Hear Thy Volce....... Lang Solo-TRie-Lord's Prayer ........Maltte miss Ames Offertory--.-qrave. from la violin sonata..............'Tartinil Postlude- The ýSprlnIg dinnier and annilal mneet- ing of the church wi1llbe bèld on Wed- nesday evening, MaY 12, at 6M3. Pleage reserve this date. 'The Sunday sehool will meet, et 9:45. There. are classes for .chiildren ,betWeen the ages of the kindergartefl and the high school. Visitorsl are welcorn. *First Con gregational j Lake avenue at Wllmette avenue The Rev. John G. Hifldley, minister "The F loweriflg of litê will be theO minlster'8sermonl theme next Sunday morning at the il o'clock church sern- ice. Visitors in thie commufllty and friends are a>ways welcome. The music wlll be as follows: preIude-~Cant8.bile from Fifth Symphony .. ....... 1...». .....Wdor Antherni"The Lord le >MY . ael Llght".... ........ Pre offertoire Duet- 0 LoveIy e Peace- .... ........Hande Betilal Casier Edwards, Ethel Helde Wishover -- i prer 91 , tIssue etl St_ Aùg sti e's atil t a cuiw v -- v ~ st.~ugutlne. . tndng the reorlng church e1I.L The World FnieiIdB)iP Gr( En5li. Luttherais charge Of Miss Jean Gorden, Seveflth street at Greeneaf llghtflil story and baiidwork1 -A 1House ef Wership" durlng the il oelock heur. B1TI+IA gEVIES"Rlgon In 1BUsiness" will be1 'S~ I.wielon at the 5:0 K P .9i ............. r a o odsa 'l20 'onThursGaY, SWilmettê Bve- "Two-Day ThrIft Sale" will be 'hel4 a&, troua j7am. in the.chureb basenient bY the 'lilrd irurn.u tôplc. i Phi at tl

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