tuent. Immediately after the broadcast of "ISimon Bolivar," whicb was, written by jane Asb.man, a copy of the script was requested by Feliciano Monteà- ner~Venezuelani consul in Chicago, for the Ministry of Foreign Relations of his government. PIacd filiUboary A short timne later the Council ne- ýceived, on official stationery, the fol- lowing, consular citation f romn Senor *Mongenegro: tei bave ýreceived a communication, from my,.government, advising me that Said copY has been given the MinistrYl of Education and that it wiiIenriéh the* library of the Academy of1 History of Venezuela. -Permit me to avail myseif of this t" dnnffratul.te the trnver- L&Ae cn. .AM .. A dress of orchid taffeta, with slirt ruff led fromn the waistline, to the floor, wasworn by> Donna Marie Lechner who attended ber sister as flower TFhe best mani was joseph Riley of Chicago, and ushering were Clarence Weber of Chicago and jack Lechner'. brother of the:bride. After the ceremony a wedding din- ner was served at the Georgian hotel1 for the immediate families, and this was followed in the evening. by a, reception at the home of the bride's parents. An- out-o-tlown--guest at the wed-' ding was Richard Burchili of Towan- da, Pa. Miss Winifred I-eld, cousin of the bride, was here f rom ~Racine, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Carleton automobie acciden? There are tbree tblngs fo do of L grfatimoortance, according to Jo- seph Il. Braun', general counsel of the Chicago Motor club. .Fir-st,' do net fail:to give' firstaid to any and al injured. persons. Secondly, reveal your identity to the person struck or the driver or occupants of any vehicle collided with by gziving your name, address, reg- istration number and other pertinent data about yourself and your vehicle. Thirdly. do net admit liabilitv if you are insuredor agree to accept or Pay damages, that is the responsi- bility of your insurance, carrimer. It is not uncommon for a driver to becoine se excited in a fraffic crash that he argues with others involved -an fnioepts te btain nrotective in- ty at hq ývaiistol Miss Ashman,N Deerfield, was forn Winnetka, and wa New Trier High sc which she attendeÈ She bas been a coi the University Bri since its incePtion' ici thie spinster g, at the home S. Frank May, bis bride arc trip through ake tbeir home formed by Chicago, Nortflwest and De Paul universities for the pi pôse of providing a university of1 air, produces several prograins eO week of, an interesting and instruct nature. t are .11 me Lireev vV4 m au classes in figure drawil offered for north shore 1The classes, whicli of both beginnens and den ts. are rapidly growir at -aul Lication' being CARD 0FTHANKS Its. Frank Wagner and daugbter, Shir- ,nposed ley, desire to thank friends for kind d stu- expressions of sympathy in their epulari- breavement. ight as 2m IN ~EMORIfIAME time: r and - 'esses oi car ani çrash. WiIm.tte 3z U.iiv.rslty