Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Apr 1937, p. 66

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R. N., nurse in charge. Monday, April 19-From 1- to 4 p. M. Chest clinic w itb- Dr. Novak. Rpobert Bezdek to Wed Marion Pape, April 17 Mr. and Mrs, Hugo A.- Pape, of Ev- anston, announce the. approaching, marriage of their daughter, Marion Gertrulde, to Robert Thomas Bezdek, son of Un. and Mrs. Vaclav Bezdek Of Wilmeétte. The wedding 'will take place on Saturday,. April 17;, at 9:3X o'clock at St. Nicholas churcb with, the Rev. W. J. Mocékenhaupt offici- ating. Miss Elizabeth Faber will attend MisPpe smidoh nor ndthe bridesmaids will be Bessie I3ezdek sister. of the groom, and Katberine Pape, sister of the bride. Robert Hugo Pape will serve as best man and usheriflg will be .joseph Bezdek and James 'Childs. Following the cere- mony a wedding breakfast will be held at the Ridgeview Hotel for the wedding party and immediate f am- Ilies. A reception wîil be beld. thai' lice), Lakce county sheritt's offce, had resuiteu iJ" vctl Mies Center, Riverside, Libertyville, Trielr citizenls PartY. Glenview,, Lombard, Wilmette police Referendum reserves-, Milwaukee and Wbitefish , rhe Village election--waS hedt1ed Bay, Wis. ~for April 17, witli, areeedm na Amntg:the notables present were: 1rncie proposed to be given the Chi- Capt. Hubert Dax, director Milwau-o cago. North Shore and Milwaukee Elec- kee police training school; Supt. Os-tre.arad car Digert of the Milwaukee bureau The late Milani Lusk, celebrated vio- of identification;- Chief of Police Wil-ý liami Hage and tbree officers, White- iishdrtre rr he er flsh Bay, Wis., and Thomas* E.'Ken-1 stay in, Vienna. where he studied unde?ý nedy chef dput shriffof akeSivrcik. who dceveloPedKubelik. He re- cny. cif.,eu. seif'fLk-por ted harrowin g suffering ani1onlg the, in bs .ddrsswhîc wa acom-people of the Central powers, due large- panied by colored sli des, Mr. I nbau W> iack of fod e' eie u covered'-the subjects. of ballistics, The,'kga hlre' eifFn wood identificationi, finger piis had been started in Wilmette,. under th~ handwriting and lie detecting.. > direction, of a coninittee coilPOs;edl of _____________.__e0jrjjinent wonfien. CHAMPION AT WATER POLO Cross Point. then, a separate villagel. Warren Porter, former Evanston was to have an election on April 17. Township H4gh adisel star, ha. om- Tw.Q ticket.s were iith'field, anid the pleted his collegiate atbletic career camipaign was at boiling, point. with the Northwestern Wildcats by protest Milk Price Boost leading the water polo teamn to a tie WTilniette housewives .were protestiflg for the conference title. Porter an advance in the price of muilk, but the captained the team, which lost .only price was not mnentioned. "Chicago one contest to the Cbhicago Maroons.. should pay eighiteen cents for mflk1, the Porter is slated to graduate in. june saine thiat. New Y'ork pays," was an after three years on the uater Polo argumnent useçt by the price raisers. team. A rugged forward, he bas Atu .Rieh1benapile been the mainstay of the tearn for deputy Scout conliniissiotier for the fuu.d for the. Vivocous Stop of 3 Smart Girls" age-boy su it, with checked zjon, Savings le's the style gi b )-ack from the Western frot i, told made a strong patriotic plea. Ten Years Ago April 15, 1927 Earl E Orner and Andrew J. Mouat weecotnders for the office of Village President in the approaching' Village election. Ralph R. Hawxhurst was the unopposed candidate for president of DEU IIShouim end CIuwoh EVMISTON son of Mr. Foley, Ala.

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