,re armong receiit arrivals at The. Clouster, Sea Island, Ga. AMong those in. the cottage coiony art Mr. and Mrs., Philip W. Moore., of Hubbà rd1 Woods, a nd Mr. -and Mrs Edmund B. Bartlett of Wininetka. With a deep sèa fishing trip: for drum, 'cobia, a nd shbeepshead planned to leave the Sea Island Yacht cilg on Wednesday, Monte Carlo games in the Cloister Bamboo room set for Thursday, a softball game on: th< beach Friday, and a golf tourtiamet Saturday foliowed by: a dance there will be diversity aplentyin tihe week'ý programn for Cloister guests and Se2p Island residents. for Extensive Joarney Dr. and -Mrs. Dwight, C.- Orcutt, 786 Greenleaf a venue, .Gle ncoe, arrived home Sunday f rom a: motor trip to New Orleans and Panlama-Caribbeafl cruise. Before sailing f romi New Or- leans they stopped at Natchez. Miss., away ftom college sixteen or seven- teen days, including their, Easter vacation. Met Native EiÉIe At each of the four largzest ports visited, they were guests at festive. halls arranged so that the girls nîight way a a*ii.=--u--- W. -A. Patterson of Kenilworth. president. On May 10 the company- wil1- inaugurate'a two- stop ten bour and fifty-twé. minutes service be-' twcen Los Ange -,A~ an Francisco and Chicago, and àâ' tree-stop fifteen, hour and twenty-three, minutes sched- uie f romn California. 10 New York. Speedier service wil1 aiso be provided by United bet.ween' Chicago, and Portlandi, Spokane, Tacoma, *Seatti e and Vancouver, B. C. Êlapsed time from Chicago to San Franc.isco and Los.Angeles wili be tweive -hours and. twettY7 foir 'minutes,_ and froM New' York to California, sevente en hours and thirt .y-nine minutes; the differ- ence' between west and eastbounid ftihts being due, toprevailing winds. Cul Runuimig Tiaze Aithtough the 'è ew rfrediiIes cut- ont and one-haif hours off the coin- pany's present -coastto-coast flying time, United officiais stated the New York-Chicago-Califorflia flights cati be flown faster than the new May sçhedules, with ils pew Douglas Sky- lounge maininers. The new flights are based on using only 60 per cent' dn n1vailalfIIl nwer. with slack ini the *a t loJr r . .w.- ',-- r to visit the iovely gardens of the fani- have an opportunily to meet rnem- ous Garden Pilgrim age. bers. of many of the most important, For he ruis, acompnie innative families. Besides these 'social For he ruis, acompnie byaffairs, the Orcutts enjoyed interest- their daughter, Frances, a student at ing tours to native institutions. Easter GufPr0clèeGufpr.Miss.,- Sunday service was observed in a 'they joined a Gulf Park coilege party native church at Almirante, Panamia. camoosd of students and their par- and kter President Richard Cox of Simultaneous with the faster ,çrv- ice with larger planes, United wil reduce its basic coast-to-coast fares $10 on 21-passeriger Dougiases and 10-passenger Boeings. The three- st op fligbt with the Skyiounge type planes, ini whicb fourteen, swivei chairs have been piaced ln the 21- passenger cgbin, w~iil become the na- tinn',-dnv extra.fare service with a in Arizona.. I Ph... Wimu.tka »000 *o R uq Cleuuiers Hbbard W.OO f ron vaca