lem and this experience, coupled with. his genieral pblicit'yactivitie8 and close contact witb the United Stateç accidei4"--C'ene,-.qualifies Ihim to dis- cuss .with authority the traffic sàfety problems,: fromn hoth national and local viewpoints., *Tribt. to police Th'le dinner will be in the nature. ofa tribute to Wilmette's police de- partrneit for it.s achievement in win- ning the 1936 Nationial. Safety contest award, and will also be a receptior to outgoing and incoming, Village officiais. It is stated that ýny 350 tickets wilI bc available, and reservationis should be made promptly at the office of the Chamber of Commerce. It is also an.- nounccd that replicas of the bronze plâûè; in the f ô1rtùt b'!bttons to te distributed aniong school schildren. and seals to be attached to outgoing mail, are expected i the next fem- days. Duncan-Cark Speaker Following the présentation by Mr. Burke, an inspirational address of ac- ceptance will be made by S. J. Dun- can-Clark., 228 Wood, court. noted chairnian, mnade tentative plans.which include an assembly of the grade school pupils, at which the bronze plaque will be exhibited. Under con- sideration also is an essay contest ini which the pupils wil.1 relate the part taken hy the schools in the safe- ty program,,and plans for future par- ticipation. Because of the spring va- cation~ school' officials could not bc NB 4. 'f Do you worry about your clothes on a rainy spring day?,You need flot if you Sanitone's1 on Sanitone. re- ding Greenleaf 3400 1215 Glencoe bils, sprfig vl 1215ý