Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Apr 1937, p. 55

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correspondent: M.rs. Wallace B.tiehnie of Wilmette, continues as, publicity cbairrnan; Mrs._ Percy Bradley of Ev- an1tston, social chairman; and Mrs. Ed- wiïanle of. Evanston, chairman in charge-of luncheons. flu memory: of the late 'Mrs. joseph Halsted, for manyyéars active in Delta, Gainnia, affairs, and a former national president, the alumnae,,group bas pre- scnlted a silver cofféee urn and tw-o sfiver. rysto 1the, chapter house 'at NQrtli- western university. EatternStar'Notes Wilmette chapter, Order of the Eastern- Star, celebrated 1its twenty- third blrthday anniversary on Xfond.ay, eem~igr April 5. AU ioffiers taki.n« active part were past officers. MNi ùs. Roy A. Hopkins and Earl E. Orner, junior past matron and patron pre- sided. Mis. John Woodhead servcd as associate matron; Orville D. Jones, as associate patron; Mrs. joseph Con- verse, associate conductress, Mfi s s Dorothy L. Kuelzow, coiductress ; Miss Orville D.~ Jones, chaplain; jo- seph Converse, marshal;_ Williamn T. organîl xnu.uer 11110 1, or onie can do At ln the fali. lu some expriments mnadle at* the, unvriyWth la.wns they founid that lawns. that had hadwell rotted mhanure used on them, (l the sprlng and fali) were the best. These ha.d fot, been watered. On watered lawns highly fertillzed soil can be used. For this section of the country be recommended Kentucky blue grass. .There le no mxagic. way, he said," te get rid of weeds ln the lawn-"Just the old drudgery and work." After dlggig. up dandelions lt's good Ides. to put gasoliné in. the holes, uslng a. long spouted can, to kili any roots that are left. To get rid' of crab grass, plant blue grass seed, lu and, spring, and maintal xa a heavy growth of bine grass'. Hland weeding, ho said, ls the way to get rld of chicory; the application of amn- moniumn sulphate la another way. It la Important to drain- soils, ho said, ospe-. cially heavy soils. Weed, Mrs. David B. Davies, Mrs. Burnett Dewey Warner, Mrs. William L. Heintz, presidet elect; Mrs. Henry Rhode; president ôof the Tenth district Illinois Federation cf Wonen's Clubs; and the presidentof the juniors club. Mrs. Beulah Edward will sîng a group of selections to comniemorate the club's twenty-fifth anniversary. Then there will be a play by the Players guild of Evaris-, ton, directed by Molita Skillen, called "The Flattering Wc>rd.", Roles will be- portrayed by radio artists. antiques, draperies carpeting watt pape.s slpcovee acceuuoues and Wviiuam Guy IvMorgan, ounr uwn " sentinel. Mrs. August J. Kuelzow grou was guest of honor. worl Mrs. Bertha Eagle. grand matrovi fle& in t of the Order of the Eastern Star .of the: Iini.and George Marbach. grand if natron. were elected to honorarv to & be -madle Belle Sharmeer gives your ankles new flattery with the

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