Lutheran Society Plans Tea, Tuesday, April 20, Thei Xoan'$'s sciety of the Eng- ish Lutheran church wil haeate for members and their friends at the church,. Greenleaf avenue and Sev- enth street, at ý2 o'clock Tuesday. afternoon, .April 20. Miss Ruth, Obermeier,'wiIl speak on "Interior Planning and Decorating." Mis s Beqsie Washburn wlI be the soloist. Luncheon Hôstes Mrs. William A. Moulton of 235 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, is giving a lunheorn Friday ofi nretweek in her home for Mrs. Albert C. King of Winnetka. Miss Dorelle 'Moulton is returning home this week-end from Mexico, andf the end of next Nveek she and her ,mother are leaving for the, east. Mrs. Moulton will visit sister', Mrs. Lee Bausher in. Read- ing, Pa., and. Miss Moulton ivill at- tend a ,Princeton university house- . . e Bernie Photo Helen Birmingham Kwie, pi&ist, will be onie of two artists appearing on. the Programn for the annual sprîng luncheon of, the Wolnain's Aid society of the Wilmette Meth-, odist. Episco pal chiurck. ,Theé lunch- Con Ù411- be held'Thursdar, AMay 6l , at 1 'clockat the.,Georgia;i ho tel.. Sororiiy Supper Program l'le alum-nac of Alpha Epsilon Phi are sponsoring a buffet supper to be given in the sorority h ouse in Evans- toni on Smiday, April 18, at 6 o'clock. Rosetta Segal Alk wili read "'.\erril), WVe Rol Alonig." Loose Fia res FiitedSls Pencil Silhouettes Younger BOxy Tyýpes Clever Dressmnaker Modesý Collars. of, Fo x and Mink,- AVAILAmLE UN, 'W sTREL-r sHADEs AND - < ic^r£ PABUkS iLINCOLN AVENUE. . . . . WIN~NETI HAROLD SPAULDINO Former/y of North Michuigan Avenue, and more re- cent/y manager of the Custo,-iiA ftare/ Sa/on of Marsha// Field and Company, Chicago