IL duýJL ýP a.o A %tI Ray Photo In the absence of Rabbi Charles zvhoi,,-pfaieg t he Iowa. State Teachers College this coming SuÉday, the puIpi~t of the North Shore Congregation *lsrael uéill be occaspied by Dr. Jamtes Mpdi-~ son Yard (above), executive secre- tary of thse Chicago Rountd Table of the Nction4l Con ference of Jezvs and 0hristians. Dr. Yard is not a str4nger. in the meen 'social ana it, was said. Dr. ctive -in bringing, Solomon is the president, will be managed by Harry Asher, veteran theater tmanager of Chicago. Mr;, Asher was Onie of the -pioneers in Chicago theater production before. Balaban> & Katz entered the field, and built numerous cinemna houses in, the north. and niortbwest sections of Chicago *of Which the Sheridani- and th, Panthéon. are exaniples. The Stadiani, which seats 1,540, was designed by J. E. 0. Pridmore, Chi-. cago architect. 'iii a modern motif. The entrances to, the balcony'branchf off the lobby, which runs perpeti- dicular to the auditorium, and twenty exits, assure safety. -Parking space on> the wvest side of Dyche stadium, will accommodate a large numnber of cars, while the busses, elevated, and -Northi Wesern iradaoffer lrauis- portatiun to those Nvho do flot drive automobiles. Through contracts with M\,etro- Goldwvn - Mayer. Paramouit and other leading film. companies, the theater will present exclusively to North Evanston such stars as Clark Gable, Yorma Shearer, Nelson Eddy, Jeannette McDonald, and Robert Taylor at prices within the moderate hat the mind of Young Anwrica is eloping to the point where it reaches to meet and discuss the scrious prob- s Of state, was forcibly demnonstrated irsday of last week wheil the de- ing teani of the eighth grade of St. eph's, school tackled the, profound stion of Mississippi Valley flood iitrstupip 1urgi