The ist of those. who wvill act as , mannequins durinig the fash- *ion show which will be, part of the. Second annual quit .Party and dessert bride given. by theý *orthwesi circle of the First Congregational. church of Wilm- mette, Wednesday, Aprilý 7, at 1 o 'clock,, are announced this. week. They are: Mrs. G. C. Braun, M rs. G. F. Kày- ser, Mrs.. Eli zabeth Thompson,, Miss Lois Grider,. Mrs. D. F. Simmons, Mrs. Robert Bruce, Mrs. R. D. Burt- fer, Mrs. C. L. Darling,, Mrs. E. S.* Riedel, Mrs. Paul Lang, Mrs. C. War- ren Cozzens. The exhibitors for t he show are Wilmiette shô s,,Miss McAMÀhon, the BIoomn-HaIl shop, and the Treasure Nook. Ifrs. Frank La Bonte' heads the cormfttee in charge of the review of spring styles, whose personnel is Mrs.. John Baliman and Mrs. J. C. Millett with other assistants. Dessert will be serve d at 1, the showing will be about 2 o'clock. for the event are pi nd many tables a] ressing, Town House Studio Photos A gay week-end at Annapolis will bc a part of the Ea.rte'rzvacation of Miss Helen (lef t) and Miss Péggy BcldîLln (right), the dau.ghters of Mrs. Frank Baldzviin of ,Shaïn;ee Country club mi Wilmette. Helen, a junior at Smith collepe, and Peggy, a student at t/he Edgwood school in Greenwîich, Conn., are spending their holiday in Neîc' York and Washington, D. C., and then -ziIl go to Anna polis for-flc the ek-enid befdre retiirning fo sclîool i.rt îveek. -One Feature ot Badminton Finals .Many badminton enthiusiasts who are atten1ding the finaàls of the. nat .ional, ,tourna ment .being. sponsored by the junior, auxil- iarty of, theè- Evanston Infant Welfare center in the Naval Re- serve armory in, Chicago Satur-> daynight, are planning dinner' or s upper parties before or'after the games.. Among those whoè have invited guests are Dr.. and Mrs. James Grier, Mr. and Mrs. George Moller, Mr.'and Mrs. Henry Penfield, Mr. and ,Mrs. Chriîstian Gole, -Mr. and Mrs. W 1en tworth P.-MacKenzie, Mr.« and Mirs. Lèster B. Knight, jr., Mr. -ani .Mrs. Hubert Downey, Mr. and ',\r,;. Fredç M. Trimble, Mr. and Mrs. R. 'M. .Laas, Mr. and Mrs. R~iard Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Kneebone, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Young, ',\r. and Mrs. Normani Waite. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Xiltbergerý and Mry. and Mrs. Paul C. Clovis will entertain preceding the gaines' at thu home of Mr. and Mrs. Clovis, 244 Cumnor road, Kenilworth. Mrs. W. Burton Ellis, co-chairman for the event, and Mr. Ellis will have as their guests M.r. and .Mrs. Robert tor L.a l'ave, ta .. George H.,. rts: Mrs. Edwari -ecLing meII ir Farrali, .~ Charles Frederick and Mrs. ngements; ýrefresh- Ir,th, pub- vlrs. How- Wimeftte,. ne wore a. christ that five generations of had worn before hum. When his great great gi service at church of ening robe his famnily to G(x Mr. 1 John for th as wa the son oftIN nes of Chicaý uncement la Marian Thoý> le engage- iter, Nancy, St. Louis. r. and Mrs. o, was here t week-end, as, a senior rived home To Open Home for Spring Party for Sorority House Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kenilworth avenue, F 'ReadingCir1 gadoh iflg arcelard (Mrs. The Reading circle will meet at the bury) daugl homte of Mrs. D. L.. Taylor, 849 Mich- of the Wi igan avenue, at 1 o'clock Monday, makers of April . 5. c ontains a1 Ie pini buffet supper. Jiridi rluring the evening. -ratt of. 521 worth, are irday eve- g party of 1vacatïon. 1Mrs. Spra avenue. ;ue C Ir. and Laurel*