2 o'clock 'Thursday atternoon, April The fine arts departmient of 8, at the home of Mrs. Fred Witt. the Womani's Catholic Club, of 622' Prairie avenuel. Wilett ~illprsen aVeryine T he Winnetka .,circe wxill hold 2ý prûtamon he venng f Arilmeeting at 8 o'clock Friday evening. Woma's cub, t 8April 9, with Miss Augusta Homann. 9, in th'e Wra'cua 567 Provident avenue, Winnetka. o'clock, then metnbers may en- 1 The Evening circle will meet the tertain their friends. In order evening of April 13, at 8 o'clock witF- to present the executives of the Mrs. Edward Fromm, 1330 Maple clubin heirlin ofduty a ol-a Venue. clu inther ue f dtya cl- The Friendship circl'e will meet at orful and entertaining pageant '8 o'clock the evening of April 16, at has been written by the fine arts tbe home of Mrs. Harvey Hoth, 1204 chairman, Mis.. Edward F. Cumi- Lake avenue. and s bing ireted y aThe Young Mothers circle will meet mniskey,an sbngdrcet 8 O'clock the evening of April 19, Mrs. Charles A. Broad. Its titie witb Mrs. Martin Seifert, 305 Sev- is "A Pageant of Club Women." e nteentb street. The giving of the one-act pageant The Social circle will ineet at 1 APgatof Wmn a "Il be followed by mnusic-the play- o'clock April 22, .with Mrs. Edward "APgato bWtkezhs ing of rhomeCafeas of the "Soi'it, Fromm, 3, 30 Mýaple -voaiiue, 2benrtten, Mr4',. 4wd r'F. Opus 26' by Beethoven, and the sing- The Liinen circle will meet at 2 Cutnmtiskey, fipe arts chairtan of ing of several solos by Emert Dettie. o'dlock April 29, with Mrs. George the Womian'4' Catholic Club of iWil- After the music, two well known Simons, 234 Seventeenth street. mnette, for presentation on. the occa- north shore residents, Kathryn Crusb sion of the Guest nzight prograni Kirchberg of Glencoe and J. Lincoln Fridcvy evening, April '9, at the Gibson of Evanston, wilI present a [iimette Womnap's chlb. sketch, "A Marriage Hias Been Ar- Con-gegaonalists ranged," by Alfred Sutro. PQl9@E Those participating intepaen o Meel, Attend Thoa are Mrs. Thomas P.Gibnpe- The-jack and Jili Players will. pre se.nt "Nobody'à Boy" on Sat- urday, -April 3, for the WXornan'ps Club -of Wilmette, for children. The story of :the littie Frëci boy, *Remi., is know.n'to almost every cbil<I and lias been loved for generations. It deals Witb the adventures ^of an_ adopted child, thrc.wn upon his own, -of his travelings ýwith the>cýompany of Senor Vitalis..and a group 0f Irained dogs and a monkey, and bis eventual discovery of his own, mothe 1r. The tale. bas been dra 'matized. as Àaithfully as possible. for -the stage,. retaining most of the original story by, Hlector Malot. The members of the cast include a' number of well-known stage and ra- dio personalities. Frank Armnstrong, inthe leaing rôeeof ý'Remi," has ap- peared on "Orphan Annie," "Jack Armstrong," "Houseboat Hanniab." "Ma Perkins.," "MolIy of the Mo\vies, and "other prominent radio pro- grams. Heryer DeWitt bas been heard on "Girl Alone"; Margaret Task on "Kid Sister"; Radience Da- vid, "Orphan Annie"; Robert Schmitt and Norman Jacques on "Jack Arin- strong"; Mary Dudley, "ý\Te Are Four"; andFred Scbuster on "Back- 1the 13aptist he guild mill -ch parlor. r, er daughter, fLiberty, with and Miss Janet the of t wilI er. i! North Shore Musicians club ig a group of songs. The speak- to be Dr. Preston Bradley, bis t, "Roads to Deeper Experi- cottage, to narne only a few. 'the costumes 'have been copied as nearly as possible from actual illustrationis in the book. "Bid" for Lundh Box and Partner at Social z, at LIa7I are LiCE. ~> ai i: 23i . Yt wi ll M-iss Lersc are Mrs. Ley, and I