democracy which bas steered a suc- cessful mniddle course, bas prospered among world,wide depression ad bas remained a demnocracy: in an era of: fascism, collectivism or ýeconomic indiývidualism. Foi'r a week, Amfericans will bave, the opportunfty' of hearing well known Swedish educators,. economistas and sociologists, explain 'the political and ;econonxic administration, of the country, ber already long established social ,security acts; tbe labor move- ment; managed money; goverrument- controlled liquor and tobacco sys- tems; the cooperative imovemenit With its successful operation of retail sbops, large department stores, apart:- ment stores, apartment housesi fac- tories and newspaper1 presses, andi the high uevel of public _éducation 4 'éctding the adult educationmve ment. Ibese survey lectures will be given at Uppsala university wbich ivas founded in 1477. 50 Minutes From Stockhiolm Uppsala is a charming mediaeval cathedral tôwn, only 50 minutes by electric railway from Stockbolm. Tbis preliminary week, August 7-14, will be followed by two weeks in Stock- S P R IN G S HO0W ture series at Uppsala, the bistory and develôpment of tbe, Syedisb arts and crafts movement; thie modern chique, materials and designs of textiles, .ceramics, glass, pewter, metal and woodwork; art's coopera-, tion witb industry for tbe production of beautiful. articles for everyday use;, modern Swedisb architecture and interior decorating. Tbese or- ientation lectures are also followed by two weeks ini Stockholm visiting art exhibitions, sbops, workrooms, ex- amnples of tbe new .architecture and bousing projects in tbis very modern ctenter of the applied arts. Study LIe. and Culitue> Uppsala and tbe University. of Lund, also give courses introducing students to Swedisb life and culture -ýhistory,. 1ainguage,, Jiterature,. art,, music, religion, education, govern- ment, industry, and agriculture. The Swedisb railways will allow a 50 per cent rebateto students tra- veliîig to and from the courses, and the Swedish National Union of Stu- dents has arranged excursions and social activities during and after the Uppsala and Lund courses. For thcse who wish to bave actual 1 N G S P R I NC G niuaa ~upra2ctLI1, auvxnstrations., organization, of -athletics and sports,ý folk.dancing and rbytbmtics.' 0Mw Deseaiptive Bolkt A bookiet describing tbèse and ,other summer courses in Sweden may be obtained from tbe Swedish Travel Information Bureau, 650 Fifth avenue, New Yorkc City,, or any officeé of the Swedish American line.. INCREASE AIR-CONDITIONINC Plans for air-conditioning of equip- ment by the Grand Trunk-Canadîan National Railways' in 1937, cali for an output of 128 cars f rom.the com- pany's sbops,- in addition to which. 50 air-conditioned coaches wilI be pur- chased. Further to the company's sbop program, the Pullman company the system, some of these being in scervice to and from Chicago, Detroit and other points on the Grand Trunk lines in Illinois, Indiana andi Mich- igan. More than 300 air-conditioned units will be employed tbis season. Miss Vivianx Miller, 1921 Birchwood avenue, Wilmette, has just returned f rom a vacation ini New Orleans. miss 1 othy LiarUAspri ozi Jimmy Burbott of 478 Sunset road, Winnetka, formerly of Wilmette,,r.- turned Monday to Woodberry Forest scbool in Virginia after having spent a week with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Burbott. 0o George D. Jones, Jr., of 318.Oxford road, Kenilwortb, is home fromn Syra- cuse university this .week for hi& spring vacation. fHe expeets -to go back to, scbool Sunday. 0o- Oliver R. Barrett of 623, Abbots- ford roa ' , Kenilwortb, bas been in the east vi§iting bis son, Roger, at Princeton university. They gpent seveyral days n New York together. 0o- Roy D. Pavlik, 604 Exmoor road, Keni lwortb, is flying to Miamil, Fia., this week-end on business. He will be away for two or three weeks. 0o flick Campbell of 1141 Sheridan road is spending bis Easter vacation z FANFARE 0F FASH IONSý PR I N G H O W I P PR11N-G SHOWN G P NG S O z Q S H iD,'-Wý-lS G ýS P ý,R 1 SI Wýo-ý w