Since the church 'burned down several years a go, this congregation bas worshiped. in the Womban's ",club and in- its own Assemibly. hall. Throughoutthe depression the church folloWed a very cauitious policy of ,Paying for its building operations as it went aiong, with the resuit that it tnow wili fulfili itslong drearned of purpose in occupying its own sanctu- ary, with indebtedness oniy to its own mernbership. open witha Pro«esiipal Iii. celebration of t.heeve-nt, the, congregation will enter its new quar- ters iii a processional fromn the As- senibly,,hall at 10:45, so as to provide for the tuli length Eastér service. The sanctuary is not completed, al fancy 'icodwokaf n11lh1ngg tu- izîg foregone until funds are availabie. A pipe organ has been donated, but it wilI ixot be ready for installation un- tii later. Chancel furniture has also'- beeiî donated, and it will be installed 4ater. So wil ight fixture s, carpet, etc. but the room is serviceable Nith the necessary appointments of Pewt, and other equipment. Then sratirig accommodations provide for i I.«hew Francia Photo .Dr.. Hubert Carl eton, rector of, St. Augustine's Episco Pal ch#rch', ;ùilI give. the introdyctory message at a Three-Hlour Good Friday coin- nmif v service to be held in his chsrch anid sponsored by the Wil- mette 3fl'istýer"s Viol '. Attvil- are invited to this ser74ce zc'hich begins at uoonp. Servie Il be tion WiViI UCJICIUi Cuesdy, IpriliZU: for Village Piesiaent 1-1arryv C.Kinnei, incumbent, 1324 Elm- wood avenue. For Village Trusteés Paul C. Lang, 933 Ashland avenue4 Warren T. Fifer, 1010 Linden. avenue . Joseph. F. Rossberger, 2103 Washitig-. ton avenue., C. E. Jarchow, 1700 Forest avenue. George H. Redding, 1034 Romona road. jamnes B Hoffmùan, incumbent, 1510 Washington, avenue. For Village Clerk Nic:holas P. Miller, incumbent,, 1775 Washington avenue. For Village Treasurer Harry \V. Miller, incumbent, 822 Park avenue~. hatve asked as ru rte iuuject mater. The subi ect may be anything gen- eral. That is, it may be aý summer cover,. a sprîng cover, or any other :seasonal cover; it may be of so general a char- acter as> to be used at any time;- for instance, a scene in the New Trier area, or a pure design. Perhaps a pure de- sign wouid be as interesting a medium- to essay as ahiy other, in the opinions of the committee. However, ail covers' wiii be judged from the standpoint of ap- propriateness and artistic ability. E ntries i l. M.rch 31 Entrieswill close March"31, at 6 P. m and ..should be. .4elivered, to the studio of the North Shore Art:league ,on that The rules are, briefly: For Police Magistrateor2. John J * Peters, incumbent, 1519 Wash- thri ington avenue. oY 3. For Manbers Library Board. eni 'tidf Mrs. Rollo Gullickson, incumbent, 90W ori Pattison Kline, incunmbent,. " :enwood avenue.' after -per, incumbent, 719 Park ~ The. 1Wim e t t e Congregational AjI- Çhuirch school last Sunday heid its -7ýgnu- Thy eco,îd annuai Palm Suîiday Memio- Bn eti sýervice for Bertha C. Wheelock, of ýîio served the church as Primary The superintendent for over twenty-five sage years.. The church school students, The ch ien&d and teachers gathered in the a Cand 21lni decked auiditoriusm at 9:30l for - n -BeIieV*eil, God the Pather kty) eiloI Stviour, Grant Us )rflVasxion>k us (BIei.sed Be The LordI God. Lei) v. John G. Hindley's mes- "The Finishing Touch." and quartet have prepared iht Choral service of mu- 921 Greenileaf aveniue. I nv i te to Special Good Friday, Easter St. J oh n 's Services e.engravings. Entries shall be delivered to the lio of the North Shore Art league, nmunity flouse, Wlnnetka,, Ill., not ýr thati 6 p. m., March 31, 1937, and 1be exhiblted on the of the stu- for approclmately two weeks there- (Çontinued on page 32) na e tion 1 th Iii flwpr. d <ance at uir Bartiett, lth. rier, and T.tier. .1