Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Mar 1937, p. 76

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'$st $235, sacrifice $89.50i. 1114 Djavis st., Evans., University 0990. LARGE PORCELAIN',KELVINîATQRI two-door refrigerator, gas, range, breakfast. rm., set., davenport, wicker aewInut twin. bed springs, matre, porch ru". Al -In good condition. Kenil- worth 4731.. 129LTN464ltp FINE WALNUT DRESSER-2 LARGE and ý2 eniali drawers, $10. COxwéll chair , $6.60. 'Work bench, ý$5. 2 antique spýool beds. Winnetka 1688.« lIlÉ 12eLTN46-P îDI N NG RM.A N D BEDR Mý.FUR N. ,china and glassware, billiard table, daveriport tapestries, Oriental rugs, pic- tures,,bçoka.,711 Lake ,Ave. WU1mette 19. ANUMBER OF FLO( Frigidaires, also used Inc ous mnaltes àt bargaifi Pl Killian Co., 907 Linden .Ave RAISIN AND TAUPEI CO] Pet-mae am a1.4 or eoU $1.15 litei yd. 1913 Chiirch St-, DIva Large Green Di 1-OOMY DRAWERS. GO' tion. Very reasonable. Wl Of vaTi- 1 V. . BOOKS WE WILL IBUY YOUitBOOkS'.À>LSO privato ibrmrlemi. WI.1 caîll W iIette 32114.t 13ZLTN44-P WANTEDV CANoE Winntka 132LTN46-l1tC WANTED ADDING mAcHINE AND CkILD'ýS STROLLER. Phone Wilmette 39 132L46rltP NqOTICE, TO BIDI)EB OAE F ItEAIL ESTATE Sealed bidE[ will be received bY tIi. royr Fiecker.. and Louis UntermieYer are represented by, their best work. ThiS last year has seen good -books turne: d .outby newcomers as wel as. b>' long-established names. Perhaps the most -impDortant is }{ousman's "More Poems," edited by his. brother after bis death. It strikes. the au- thentic note, but is not sO fine as "The. Shropshire- Lad," or' ."last Po0ems!" A fine anthology is that edfited. by W.,r B. Yeats called, "The Oxfordý Book of Modern Verse.". The choice of poerns may net be as definite as thosein the "Oxford Book of Eng- ish .Verse,"y but they are the, choic e ofthe leadine, English poet of today, and are significant of bis thought. Thefollowingz books may be ber- re%%m.d immthe lbrar . tn-Select'ed Poems.,4 Lmr-Lanscape With Figures. .urg-The people, Yes. Doren-AnthologY of World Light verse is-Melancholy Lute. ýr-Not So Deep as a Weil. -Bad Parents' Book of Verse. *tp "Cotemora Iimortal"by Hn * aleale*' I.Kipllng' Ssussex', by Hoptins$. -The PWndsman" "The plainsman" records the well-, known bistorical char acters ",Wild Bill Hckok" and "Buffalo Igill Cody" i the settling of the West, Iwith al the >-spectacular 1battie .scenes.- '"Th.y Bualit tii W.st" 'AWIld Bill Hickok," b>' Wllstach., "CàaamitY Jane and the Lady*Wi.d- cats,"I by Aikinan. ladiau'Fights end Fig1hter -,Story of the Little Big Horn-à-Cus- ter's Last Fighft,' b>' Grahalli. ::Apache Agent," Jb> Cluni. "Indiati Boyhôod ." by Eastmfani. -Whefl Buffalo Ran,", by. Grihnel, G. B.., fteAeitt nin"b "Stor>',o h A ei aý I d a . b Patil Radin. Road t. the. West -Great Plains," by Webb. "The #OverkiandTr.il,4P * au -Oregon Trail," b> Parkrnan. "Land of Jourtiey's Endlng," b>' Aus- tin, Mary. "The West la Stili Wild," by Carr. Harry. "Southwest,' by Carmer. -I Married a Ranger," by Sinith. "Tuuidra" "Tundra" is the record of a 400 mile trek through the Alaskar'tundra by a doctor whose plane crashes 1 in the Arctic circle. His darinz ad- NWST SACRIFICE1 1and chairs. Alsq odd gardeli tools. Winetki 12!4LTN46-ItP .ZING *,TABLE bles; beds, and ý566. i 29LTN 46-ltP FURNITUE d other house- furniture on Amercan 1boy, the son et a-million- aire, wbo falis frein the deck of 'an Atlantic liner and is rescued b>' a Gloucester fi s h i n g schooner. A spoiled son becomes a man. Rudyard Kipling has always been a favorite with both aduits and chil- dren because he has written of the cheerfulness and sadness of child- hood , and maturîty. . The author's tpopularity is revealed in the sales of bis books which run into bun- -Tundra,- byEd'ingui~tut. -Cracdie of the .Storrns," by 14ubbard. -Unele Sain,', Attic," by Davis., ,,Sourdough, the Log of a Yukon Ad- venture," by- Davis. "Alaskan Melodraula," b>' Heilenthal. WiId AnimaIa -Wild Folk," by Scoville. "The Bald iFace," b>' Evarts. "Wolf, the Storn Leader," by Cald- well. 'Salar, the Samfi6n," b>' WilIiamsofl. Chicago Fi "ghting Angel,' ner uat jthe stor>' of ber father. ie n ea c i "Exie"is* ,other, and st book.i-,

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