Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Mar 1937, p. 61

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K<appa Pi Phi. invited the elghth grade Covenant elass as guests to their rec- reationai hour at 5:~30 p. m r. Sunday eve- The 'Noërt'h West circle will mneet at the home et MrS. J. 'C. Mlliett, 920 Chestnut avenue, , Frida.y, 'March '26th. The. assstng hostessés willI ho mrj.- A. L. Grinneillidrs. 0., M, Gale, Jr., and Mrs, . F.C.Snow. Thée ast tnd*cirele wilI -meet at the home of ,Mrs. iRalph . P.Potter, 925 Chestnut avenue, Monday, Marchà 29. The assisting hostessese will b. Mrà. H. À. Hooker and Mrs. D. L,. Harris. S The North End. circie will'meet i the home of 3Mrs. . A. Bowér, 1216 Ashland1 avenue,, Monday, March 29- The assist-1 ing, hostesses wili be* Mrs. C. R. Bixby,i Mrs. R. E. P. Kline and Mrs. S. L.1 Chapin. '. The, C:ozy Corner circie will meét at -the home of Mrs. Caroline Johuson, 1303 Mapie avenue, Thursday, April 1. Thé assistlng hostesses wilI. be Mrs. J., H. Shields, Mrs. T.S. Cook' and Mrs.' W. T. Norris. Central î cle 1éwi be entertained at the home of Mrs. W. H. Shellma.nk, 808 Forest avenue, Iývanston, Frýday, April 2. The North West circle is havlng its second annual quilt party and desserta benefit with a style show at the Woman's club, Wédnesday, April 7, at 1 .o'clock.e The Bloom.-Hail shop of Wilmeitt wifl display spring fashions.0 Abracadabra w iII meût 'at the home oftr Mr. and Mi-s. A. W. Farrali, 1625 Spencerq avenlue, FridaY, April. 2. -Mr. and Mrs. j Roy Mellrath wilI assîst. Wilmnette Baptist Wiimete land Forest avenues Rev. George D.. AIIlson, pastor Tonfght (Thursday> at 8 o'cIock hs church ihl lobserve théea #ivrsay o the Las3t Supper with a Candielight Coin- mnUnion service. AIl disciples ef Christ a.re weicome te Join' us in this observance. The,,chorus choir *wIl)le inluworship, and, Pastor Ailison willi conduct dévo- tional readi nés and meditations. Trhe Déacons meet at 7:30, preceding. Tonzorrow (Prldayr) wé participate I the ,Three-Hour service at, St. Augus- Uine's church lu reeponse to, a much- appreciated invitation,,from thé rector,' Dr. Hubert Carleton. Pastor Ailison wil» have charge fromn 2:15 to 2:35, thé study of the -Slxth Word fromn the Cross Il On Friday evening we hold a. Calva;y Service in the sanctuary et our church, wlth choir leadership ln thé beloved songs of the Cross,.- a.nd devotional ineditation- ty thé Pastor. ThIgseTce from 8 te 9 p. m. le much appréciated by al who corne. You are welcome. Our Choral Eaiter service wilho held Sunday at il a. m. and menîbers are1 asked te corne before that time. Thé ne as ro&iws: Organ <10:45)- "Christ Triumphant- ........ 1... Yon "E]auter with the Penneylvaiiia Mioravians"..........(aul Introit-"-ye Wthr n Ye Holy Ones",......Vlgllot, Sancti Antherm-- "Spring Bursts Today"t............. ... Van, Deuman Thompson "Behold, Ye- Doip1soral"......Parker "Joyous Easter Hymu"...... l7th Century Hymn, arr. by R.eiman organe Postlude- "Alleluia"................ .Dubois Friends are urqiged to order their Easter liles sment to the'church .son that they may De placed In the chancel on Eàster Day. They mnay hé dellvéreéd on f3aturday and taken home at, the close of the service. Axiyone wishing te unité with thÏs church on Easter Day is asked te aotify the ministér îmmediately, and arrange- Ing on contession of faith andl othérs by certificate of transfer. The Hlgh Sehool league will be the guest of the Congregational. Hlgh- schoolers at a breakfast and service on Easter inorning. The Senior Young People wiil meet Sunday evening at 6:30 o'clock. Thé Church school wilI meet Sundayt rnorning at 9D:30. o'clock. New enroil-2 o'clock in, the Girl scout room~ ACQUIRES FLOWEIt SHOP Erwin F., Dýreiske, Highland Park, florist, has acquired the Park Flow«,. Shop, 716 Vèenon avenue, Glencoe. The shop has been uiodernized and wýill have >a Complete stock of Eastek, plants "and cut flowers available thio week. The Highland Park shop Of the concern is located at 55 S. St. John's avenue. TABLE. TENNIS Lane 'Tech will play New, Trier, table tennis this -afternoon. at 3:30 o'clock' at'New Trier. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Poronto, 901 FJmowo d avnue h e-re urnd a trip to Florida. They spent five weeks i Miamni, going -dqwn part way by tran and part way by motor, and driving ail the way 'home. They were accornpanied by Mr. and Mrs. George Hoffman of Winnetka. Mr.. and lurs.A.KR. 'Mft2 BJible appréciation led by -our 'nilistér. Our regular anilouncernents areas he Deuteronemie- literature wl»'hé con- tolows: cluded on Sunday and thé uext develop.- Tuesday- ' SotTopN ment iudicated. 'Visitors are always wel- 7:30 P. M.-Boy Scu ro o . core. Wednesday-.'- 3:30 P. M.-Browniés.Ou ogpepehvacptdnI- 7:00 P. M-Cam ' Pire Girls at theévitation eoplethhavé accetean Cn- home of Dr. H~azel W. Hodges, 901viaontjinhéMhostndC- Forest avenue, Wilmétte. gregational groups ln a 'morniug cern- .7:30 P. M.-Boy Scout Troop No. 2. munion and sunrise service at 7:30 at Thur-day- thé Fii'st Congregationai church. 3:30 P. .ils choir réhearsal. 4 :00 P. M.--Boys, choir rehearsal.' At thé service of Dedication of Little - Children last Sunday, 8 babies were *«Gpd So Loved the World" ... . Stainer Haven, Mich., spent last week-end Organ Postiude-'"O Worid, 1, e'en with Mr. Golden's mother, Mrs. Edna Mus Le ve he " . ... .. ...Bra ms Gold e~n of 1213 W ilm ette avenue. The Chorus choir and soloists, under -O-0 the direction of Marie Briel, will slig Mr.' and Mrs. Roy S. Breese, "The Seven Last Words" by Dubois, onl formerly of 1015 Greenwood avenue, Good Friday right at 8 o'ciock in the sanctuary. The minister will give the are now making their, home in Scars- scriptural Introduction te each word. dale, N. Y. OUr church le cô Wlrnette MinIstere' o ........... 1 Now

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