Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Mar 1937, p. 60

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..., ood Furiday-IR Engisah, -With nIoly Communion;. preparatorysevc at 7 :45. BASBE ,SERVICES 6.6 3a. r.-Early moru master 'service. 9:15 a., .---servlie Ln German. 9:30 a. m.-,SundaY School and Bi1ble il :00 ba.mn.-Thîrd service, là! Englisb. MEETINGSB Mirs. A. H. Priebe, 507 Park avenue. SYoung Mothers' circe, Monday, 8 p. ni., with Mrs. H. E. Nilies, 1620 Central ave- nue. Ladies' Aid Easter coTeQ., TuiesdaY. 2p. mn., spenso)red by the Social circle, ln the Sunday sehool room. Regular meeting of the- Ladies Aid, flext Thursday, 2 p. m. ter sérvIce mUy Jegi"un----u hour The Puaster sermon by the minister wili be on the theme, 1"Eternity ln the Hieart.- We cordiaIIly invite you to wor- shlp witt) us. The special EauÉter mnusic for the umrn- ing service will be as follows: Prelude, "Resurrectieti MornP Johnsten; antheni, .'Awake ' Awake, Utter a Song,*, Case; anthem, "In thé. End ef the Sabbath," Speaks; solo, 'atr-ie"Llddle, Ed- ward Otis;, solo, 111 Know That MY Rs- deemer Llveth", (Messiail), Handel; postlude, "Festival Postlude,"1 Buck. Miss Erma Rounds is director. New members wlll be received and' recognized at the. Easter morning, serv- ice. 'rhere wlll be à speclil sermon for the chlldrefl at the. Easter morhnfg service, after wblch they may return to their homes, or remalli ln Junior church, A...ýIhlu I .14w n ueiaflyto care for $even Words spoken by our Se.vior from the Cross,, nterspersedl with hymna, and' prayers. The meditations.wilbe as foilows: Dr. Carleton, rector of St. Augustifle's: 12 te 12:15, Introduc tory; .12 :15 to 12**35, The Flrst Word. The. Rev. F. J. Tronmp,> assistant at St. Augustine's: 12:35 to 1, the, Second Word. The 11ev. James T. V'eneklasen, pastor of the Presbyteriafl church:. 1 to 1 :25P The Third Word. *The Rev. David Ka bele, 'Pastor « the Engiish Lutheran church: 1:2.5 to 1 -.50, The Fourth Word. The Rev. John G. Hllndley, pabtor of the Coxgregatioflal churceh:' 1:50 tol 2:15, 'Me Fif th Word.. .. The Rev. George Allison, Pastu r rcf.the Baptist. church: '2:15 to 2 :35, The -Six th Word. Thle 1ev. Amos Thornburg, paster of the Methôdimt church: '2 35 te 3, The Sëeenth Word. ,Monday and Tuesday ln Easter W2ek there will be'celebrations ef the HolY Communion at 8 A. M. A. bakery sale -will be held'nexÉt Satur- day by ýthe Womefl's guiid ln the, Parish: house1 begiflfiflg at 10 a. m. The Easter bridge party ef the Wom- an's Muild wii be held ln the. Womaf's club Of WtUmette next Tuesd.ay begia- First Congregatiofla The Rev. John G. indley. millister "Living1 Eternaiiy", wiii be the mIn- Ister's ganter theme next Suriday morn- Iiig at the 10:45 a. in. church. service. frienda and members in the comunitY and'parish are InVlted to worehip wlth Uas. Snecw 1musie bai been prepared by .8 clu Icomflena ,MY -*ilFi at 8 P. m. at whicii tne 2.1 choir will sing. 3. (Good Fritisy), besides the Sole- service, there will be an ce at 8 p. m., at which the The choir will sing "The. Story Sel by Myles B. Foster, fol- rts ef Stainers.-Crucifix- le- Filiae (Traditional) e ........Ippolitof-Iv aof 1 Speaks ...Kalinnikof y..........Gretchanief Hlasselmans ýeVl6ee rith, harpist )ng .......... .Rubnstein le Wishover, Contralto ;uéday, te rejoice and srng it s 1 know that rny Redeemer lives! What èomfort this sweet sentene gives. He lives, He lives, Who once was dead, Ho liirns, iny ever-llving Head! yl 11...v .11 ,,iii? *n to iename I IThxe Boy Scouts wil meet \Loitda.ý, evening. F There will b. a mid-week servive Wed- nesday evenlng_ at .8 e'clock ln, the FESTIVALi SERVICE nmuiiion. ............il1 a. m. )nai-170 .. ... ...... st. Kevin 176 .................St. Aibinus leson....... .Missa de Angelis ts ana i Prayerg eMu' 17i...... . Haydn 7%Tei New Trier sunday Evenlng club. eof Reeurrection" Iwill have Burton Holma on "Tiie Magie Of Mexico" next Sauray ve 1 UIth our ast ai eny ILO

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