*dollar in Europe is practically as high as it mas in 0932, before the ýU. S. went off the gold standard. Gasline *prices have beeni reduced materially in many countries,. and hotel. costs have flot increased. Accordingly, aý mtorip through Europe eëan-be mnade. more inexpenisively during 'the 1937 season i than during any of the past four .-cars. ".T lie question frequently is asked, mwlther it isIess expensive. to rent a car aàbroadl for touripg o r to ship oiie' own car across the. sea ', This1 question can now bc.e definitely answered as a resuit of aàiîew survey by the foreign traviel division. rHow Abouat Usix4 Own Car? -The answer is that it is slightly lc>s expensive to retît a car for one nionth of touring in FYliglaid;, if ~the tour is two mionths ini duration, it is C(onsiderably cheaper to use your oncar. For touring on the con- tinent, using your- own car is sub- stantially Icss expensive whether the trip lasts one nonth, two mionthis, or longer. Briefly, the more extended the trip, the more wiII be saved by using your own car. Itidicate Probable Cost -Car operating costs ini Europe ini A pr Return to Shore, ProM CrUise in. West Indies à.s.Oca ee, 1210 Sheridan' road, Wilmette, and bier daughter. Mildred, returned hbome Thursday. of last week f rom.a: four, weeks' WVest Indi1es cruise., Their itinerary took thein ail of the Xindward Islands, to ports in South America, including Cartagena, the.'oldest, town in -South Americ'a. of tropicg1 products of" Lakce Chad region, with.'its hides, ostriçh feath- ers., ivory, minerais and. cati le. It will become'the shortest and ýýMost economical route to centrai Africa., VlSIT IN SOUTH m r. and Mrs. J. C. Williams of 655 Cherryý street, Winnetka, who have been. in Miatni since the first of the year, are leaving that city next week, and wilI make several stops in the, South before returning ýto Winnet ka April 10. loin the EASTER PARADE ...Read dite' Church an- nouncements in this issue of WILMETTE LIFE'. Thyre Pýlaying Golf Under .Perfect Conditions At French Lick-mNow!f twveen thre ana four people in eacn car shipped abroad, this brings the *total car costs to less than 3 cents a mile whichi is less than either the first or second class rail fare iin Eurwope- an countries.". for childrenl, fret given at the mi morn ngs. on, Saturday