for Shawnee Party Sigig.tap dancing? recita- tiïo'.ns, and' piano nuimbers by chilrenfrom 3 to 12 years old bave b ee arranged for the "'iAmateur Hour" entertýaihnte to' he presented at the Shawnee CountryV club Easter Party for the children of niemfbers, on Sat- urdav afternoon. The guests arettn on their own entertainment, andl those who, are to particip:ate met at the club, last Saturday afternooîi, forý a re- 'hearsal. Richard Bronson of. Evans- ton wijjl sing anxLplay -the piano, and, Dickie Howeii wi11 give a number on the accordion. Grace, joy e7and Barbar~a Zipî of 'Winnetka are scheduled for tap dancing and an acrobatic numnber. Carolyn Shearon and her*three-year- old sister, Janet, are also giving tap S dancing numbers. Alice Morrison of, Evanston will tap dance, too. The three Schneider children of Winnetka, John and Howard, the twins, and Mary, who is 3 years old, are to present several piano num- btrs, and Michael Wilson in costumne Wilson. Robert's brothers. , lït and John, Jr., wi11 appear in instrù- mental numbers. Mrs. John G. Wilson of Wilmette, the chairman of childrefl's parties. is supervisillg ail plans for the party, and assisting her are Nirs. Richard Howell, Wilder Morrison, and Mr s. John Schneider. C. G. rl-rn sto accompafly her daughi- mr. a*iâ Mrs. R. R. Marquardt, &, ,Woodbineane y wil1 entertaifl 1 ty relatives a buffet supper, unday evening. The party is in, onor of Mrs. Marquardt's mother, ins. Thomis Whittlesley of Chicago, ho is Çcelebrat g~brbitdy Katharine Lord of thse K<atharine Lord Art studio in F.vanfst oflwill lecture on& "Art As apt Avocation" <t thte meeting of thse [Wôtati's so- ciety of the First Methodist churcis to be held at'tise chtirch Thu'rsday, April 1, at 2:15 o'clock. ular Aay, at the homne of Mrs- W. ts5 Arrington in Evanston, at the regu mnonthly meeting on WednesÈ afternoon, Mfarch 17. MIrs. Boal si ceeds Mirs. Earle NV. Ballentine Wilmette. Mirs. .\W. J. Buntain was elec phi Sigjma. Te. Theta chapter of Phi Sigm~a Sigma forority will hold a tea in the Marble rom of the Blackstone hotel Satur- day, March 27. Theta. is the sorry' chapter at the University of Illinois- Plans were dis&ussèd Friday at a luncheon in the Narcissus roomi of Marshall Field's for the hel efit prt- view of the Antiques and D)ecorative Arts exposition, coming .to .'the ,Palmer'House. April .12- 17. The pre- ,view. for "the benefit of Northvwesterfl University settiemelit. wviI1 be helId Sunday. April 11. îrom 3 un 1 O'clôck. Atending the lunchtoji w tré Nrs.. Ernstý C. Von Ammon. meniber of the XVjnnetka board. of. the sett1le-. ment:MissHarriet E. \ îttu.ihead re-sident of the settiemet: D. Robert Pierson. Lake Forest. se.cretarv and treasurer >of the, settlenietsboard of directors: Harold O. Barnes. \Vil- mette. Eugenc Barnhart. and Dutton P. Mrhue ebr of thé ex- ecutive, comiÎt tee,. of the board: M\rs. Anne Fore ster.* pre sident of tht Illinois chapter of the Arnerican In- g~ttt of Dertors and raepre-,seit- ative of the exhibitors of the antique show, and Feuix Mendelsobn, man- aging director of the exposition. It. was decided at the luncheon tbat- fifty per cent of the expositiôfl's gate receipts were to be turned over' to the settlement to aid that organiza- tion in its efforts to care for under- privileged children. President of. the executive coin- Cornes to Kenilworih for Extendeci Visit York bas arrived in Keniilwortb 'to,bIe ctied the guest of ber parents-in-law, 'Mr. rri_ and Mrs. Frank P. Wbitmore,. 644 aith, Abbotsford road, Kenilwortb, -the ,mas~ next four months wile her husband aine is in Cuba and South Ainerica on a and.Speak on N. S. M\is ilred Mc\IAfee, presi- dent of \Vellesle.v collége. who, i, t 0>1)e g1uest of honiOr at a din- lier the Chicago Wellesley club is givin'g. in the Red Lacquer ruoni of the Palmer House Fi-, dav e ven 'ing. April 2, and who. .vill speak at an Ïinformtai con- ference,-on college and alumnae. affairs the followving. morn.lng. at th WNomnati's7 Athletic club, ..with a lu 1ncheon followying. i1lbe guiest of honor at a luncheon to which Dr. and."\,rs. Ralph C., BIrown of intnetkaare inviting guiest s. Sunldav, April 4.. Later that aiternoon she viwl 1 a1o be guest of hooflr.,at 'a tea, Mr. and 'Mrs. Bruce MacLeish wil givu( at >their home in Glencoe, to whijch pros- .pective students and other pter.ons îinterested in Wellesley wvill bc in- .vited. Miss McAfee, who will bc bouse guest of Dr. and 'Mrs. Brown for the .week-end, bas been prevailed upon to istay until Tuesday at the insistence 1 o ý;everà1 chools -who have invited superintendént of New Trier, to have Miss M.\cAfee speak at an assebY. Tuesday morning, at the invitation of Perry Dunlap Smith, headmaster of the North Sbore Country Day sehool, the president of Wellesley wvill ad- dress an assembly of both upper and lower scbool girls, at 10 o'clock-, and at 12 Miss 'McAfee will give a talk at the Chicago Latin school. Give innerhave postponed Mr.. and Mrs. jackAle is gave iy meeting to Fi a dinner for eight last Saturday eve- 9; at 1:30 o'clocl ning at their home, 2029 Chestnut bas been arran avenue. Their guests were from River and ail the MI Fore st. attend. iersý are urged 1 C