U Lsts Show Entries Ajoint nieeting of 'the Wil - mette Garden club,. and, the Woman's Club of Wilinette will: be 'held Wednesday, March 31. The program, announced in de- tail in an article on the club page 'concerflifg the Womafl's club, is a "One Day Garden Institute." Every member is urged. to take advantage, of the prograrf, for whièh the Gardern club is pre- senting the Sylvan Duo at 2, in the af teriooU. Tickets for the Flower show at the Navy Pier April 3-11, inclusive, ivili be po sale at the club. This very iovely show yàuI ii?¶f s e4fl3 want to see and by buying your tick- ets through the, Garden club,, yoli bave mnade for yoursetf a fifty-perceflt saving with the price of the advance sale ticket including a programf free. At the samne timne you have helped the club to finance the project which it bas entered. Mrs. A. E. Gebert and her com- M;tpe hav een busy with plans for Anold spinldie settee eo - ing oMs Oliver Barrett, of Kniiworth Will be arnong the, antique 1furnishiflgs Nvhich .the Kenilworth. Home- and Garden club -ill exhibit in: its large en- try at the CJhicaao. Flower show to be held April 3-11 at t he.Navy pier, uùnder the,auspic es o>f the Garden Club of Illinois. The Kenilworth Home and Garden" club will arrange one of a- series of three garden bouse. interior:.. Its interior will have a nine-foot window whbieh will look out upon algardexi to be lanniied by the Bevetrlv His Garden chlb. The houiSe-wile de- signied as a place for working and mptig plan'ts, anda spot f r r(:t.i4ý as well. In charge oQ'f this large entry -will bc Mrs. Frank C. Nason, the presi- dent, and Mrs. Theo Mvioritz, assisted by Mrs. Arthur Adair, MIrs. Richard mois Johnstofl1 and MNrs. John Roberts. ts Mrs. Moritz wi1t aiso have charge e of an Oriental arrangement.. the club's, ?r second entry, and Mrs. George id \'aught will display a submnerged ar- - 1 ratngeent, the club's third and final A bîit rection. Don't forget your tickets. April 2 is the timne when ail tickets. must be reported. Plan to go at least once and do look for the homne exhibits-, Coitributed. WiIl Usher at Nwberry Smith Club Scholarship League Benefit Tonight Award Announced Mar'. 3-1 Ushers are announced for the first Annournement of the recipient of benefit for the Newberry Center the scholarship award of the Evans- league Thursday evening of this week ton-Niorth Shore Smiith club for 1937- at 8:15 o'cloclc, at the Haven school -38 will be mnade at the regular hoiesses are Mrs. C. R. BixbY, Mrs. M5 s. i- Chapin, and Mrs. 'R. E. P. road entertained lUne. lits. D. C. Kemp is the chair- Evanstoil Music4 tuai ofthecirleMondayo March. sheridain >r of the home on est afn hr .MtM Alil members who plan to be present J. R. B, are requested to notify one of the of Chica hostesses by Tuesday, March 30. Hedgpai Club Enters Flower Show~ The Garden club of the Evanston Junior league, whose niembers are f rom ail along the north shore, bas two minor exhibits in. the oncoming Flower shbw at the Navy Pier April 3-11, inclusive, staged under auspices of the Garden Club of Illinois. A brown and white etcing-a il of them reside the exception of