RandoIph Normaît Jacôbson, (tel t) 111 (3crrison avenue, Wilmette, anad Jertranmïqwektce Trilljch, 660. Garland aven ne, Winetka, were listed on the Jhoiior, rail of the junior dass j»tise school of. engineering «t Northwfestern unitr i vfor thse past semester,.Mr., Jacobson standing firstinj the clas:. the akiiiaunicemzent wras mode this zveek li VDr. W'illiam) Charles Raiter, dean of the school. Bot/i are groduates of New Trier Tozvtnship Higis scisool. idielice wl art cipatea e ,çsp IEASTER MESSA GJI at the early meeting beginning at 7. I Mark Love, Mary Ann Kaufman, Vfr- gima Atnyer, and Charles Sears are the absence of lent of - the CI rd'W. Barnes,] nry P. Chan- ,pop- IJ ir~Feitre laesAre IBoys, and Girls' Shoos to Age 13 Widths AAAA t. EE 1205 Devon Ave. ly styled, perfect fittlng shoos for Which DeWitt is famous. Tii... ~'intfi sheshae een designed to proteet growing fret-to dé- velop foot musele strength-to give the child proper balance and health building cowao.They are smartly styled and construted of excellent wearing unaterials suad are moderately priced. May, w. serve you for your chili',s it slioes 8" Lie"m Av*. Mubbari. W..4 rmaem Wintn$I.36«6 appreciate &S1 av ATE R SPENCER SERV ICE I 3630 Lake Ave.., Wimeffott U536-Wlmoft 641 JR. DEWITTi. II4C. Children'aS ci entii c Fohe< SPRINC US THE OUL HUÂT SEASON niumber Dy the quartet . Ino toir, in song5 ithe court.