asserted. lHe was the youngest cbild and just happenied' to be labeled Gofrey, that's ail., Mathias Weis D ies After Long 'Illness Mathiasý Weis, a resident of Wil- mette for *55 years, who bad lived'in Decatur,' Mich., for the past six nionths, died on Monday of lastweek at his daughter's farm, after a long illness, at- the age of 66. Mr. Weis was born in Cobenz Germany, and. came to Wilmette when he was Il years old. He iF survived by a daughter, Mrs. Louis Conrad. of Michigan, and foiqr sons. John, Joseph, Jacob, and Mathias, Jr. ail of Wilmette... Mrs. Wei8 <lied- P years ago. Fun eral services were held on Thursday of last week at St. Joseph's church, Wilmette, with burial at Memorial Park cemetery. W.G. L Shore Ai Teresa .i J. Alex, letic club; Dy a 4. rgaret, and by foi orge, Daniel, and try club, ot the, Wilmette Home Owners' association, of the Knights of Columbus, and of theHolyNamne Society.: He had been a resident of the community for the past nine year s. .He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Jeanne Dillon Prosser; by a son. Robert; by a daughter, Jeanne: and by two sisters, Mrs. Ella Hosch, and Mrs. Genevieve Weisner. Funeral services were held on Wednesday morning of this week at St. Francis-Xavier church with i- terment at Ail Saints' cemetery., North S hore's Iargest 5w'niture warelîouse. 30 years' ex" . e oe in mvigand: storlng for, North Shore f amilles. WILMUTTU 914 CAI.L UNI VERSITY 0091 Sw>ininiiug and ons, vacation wit 'Mrs. Louis mond road,1 of 325 ' For further information cail E WINNETKA 2400, DAILY 9:00. to, ;n, New Trier High Schod* EVBNINGS: WINN2ETKA 1551'