Sweet. fresh . . . pure .. and a .distinctly better flavor.. Serve NMelOdy f4irmns Milk for threc, days and your 'familY just won't be satisfied with any other kind! YOU'LL AGRtEE THAT IT'S THIE BESTr YOU'VE EVER TÀSTED Other. MELLODY Proeducts.- aa To«. beit 'hone Greewi rat 0677 Tovayt to pick the teaifl whicfl wilit w preseni - - this section in the semi-fiflals at the! A Camp-O-lRee (an itnter-patrol Hotel LaSalle on Saturday April 3. mpng çompetition) ;s beiiig Plan- The teamn which came out victori- ne o heto 0ft ot ous in a close contest was that rep-i Shore Arta counc il. T'he event is resenting the XrhetSbra being planned -for the first Saturday council. Troop 3, of Nuies Center Thiel in June. june 5. running until. about, contest consisted of, four. first aid2 o'clock on Sunday. Probletns which had to be diagnosed Teewl eatvte noçn by the contestants each team inmn amncraft as p racticed by Scout pa- ber in wtrn acting as problema leader. tri.ac il eetpn aju After diagnésis and assignment. of Sutrf t sbet. hr ill be a wor totheScotsa lmitd tme aschurch service- on Sunday niorning. ziven for the correct treatment Of, and ýthe Roman Catholic boys will be th1ass takceni to Mass. The event willii- MIl of. the teams scored, better t'an clude the preparation of three meal'S 80per cent correctnes adsoe wls general care, of canîpsite good- training, The team which rep-*anýd'equipmneft. iresented the North Shore Area coun- Teptoscmeil 1 ' ia cil was frorn Troop 59 of Libertý ile. etwl.b ikdfrmtefu 1Walter Herr -is the Scoutmaster of the troop. Louis Faulkner,. traiter ofsetolCapORehldhou- the team. and Otto 'Moledor, Francis out the council. Ctenhý., im 'M1dde¶i, Ted Vande.-ý The çounicil territory lias been di- werff, andt ' Oscar Kalanka areth' vided inlto fou r secticins bv the com- tearn meinbers. rnittee in charge of the arrangemlenlts - and program as follows. Section 1- -RATES fiEDUCED \Vilmette, \Winnetka, Glencoe, North- brook. Gleniview%, Kenilvorth; S ec- Word wvas received last week f rom; tion 1I-Highland Park, H-ighwood, thde regional Scout offce and, fromi Lake Forest, Fort Sheridan, and Sthe railroads to the eff ect that thej Deerfield ; Section 111-\Waukegafl, railroad rates to . Washingtofl for: North Chicago. Lake Bluf une ISco uts attending the national jam-A eto LbrYi lu, Munee 1 boee avebeen reduced to one cent Sion1'Lbrvil,'udlii bav ~Half Day, Diamorid Lake, W\\acofl- It7 70 , .-, , Here's just the frock to brighten up your Spring wardrobe 1 A Cover Competition ga. Th WiIl Be Terminated willle Wednesday, Mar. 31 ÇampO0 (Continued on page Sý FIFTH after, during which trne theý decisioln ofAre thÉ 4..Aug. wlll be rendered.A re tcomplee d -Rees within a LARGEST the area of the days. just received e niembership ginSeven of ierica . discloses th Shore Area &d. irai"a£cuiE Name ................................ Address .......,..................... am arn(ot) a membe of the North Shore Art league (las nict) À pà, a ý 0 a giýnaj bulletin.