11. Is it flot truc that the present officers of the League, nainely F. 0. Mason, President; Max Zabel, sec- retary, and J. L. Hlougliteling, now chairman of their finance conimittee, di tot rernain non partisan. but placed in the field aniother ticket and iused every resource in their command to -defeat the present Deniocratic Township Committceeman? III., Is Mr. 'Houghteling going to urse his own rnoney to finance this present ticket or wilI the financial Support be furnishied froin clown- town or Washingtoni IVT. Is it. truc that, the present town ship ticket was selected by a deal1 Frank Pavlik, Jr. William ~R. -ýVilsoii NIEW MEMBEIt 0F FAMILY A son, Lewis Phillip, Il, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Sydnor V. Reiss of 523 Linden avenue, on January 28. The baby has, a 'littie sister, Linda Lee, who is twenty-one months old. Miss Mary and Miss Sonia Nash, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Nash of 222 Tenth.street, arrived home Tuesday fromi St. -Mary's of the Woods,. Id.. for 'Easter vacation. -7 MORRELL'S PRIDE SMOKED PICNICS e L~l . 1 2 14 ri*ces WiIson's Ce rtifI.d Tender. MiIId SMOKED HAM 2b.4c 2 e PKGS.21 9 l'o 12 1b A& P Food Stores