Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Mar 1937, p. 22

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ifly- days 4,, Ask about our apecial t aster BicsC EXCEL ICE CREAM CO. W 1411-13 SIMPSON ST. * UNiv.u'aity 3087, WILMETTE 310 CNICKENS.ON'SIT-DOWN SRK AS1 PROUD BOSSý Bl EANS! dar. 25-Out on a the top .n Indiana,. last week, 1 The si ,al of Gi ~ou1try- many namnes familiar to present day villa#ers, and events, foreshadowing tbe. development of: the, initèrvening years. Èrom copies of the Chicago Sun- day Inter-Ocean, which carried "cor- respondence" from various "Chicago Outposts," are gleamed ifnterestinig items which will appear for the next. few; weeks. The followingz are fromi the issue'of April 28-, 1889: Wilmette Miss Jetinnie Avers.,. of ilake Forest universi ty. visited here and attended. the Shakespeare cltuh's meetinig. Mliss Gates. of Çhicago, visited friends biere the first of the week. Dr. MNann aif Nd rs. Char les Mit- obdJ f jE~~ attended the Shakespeare chib's partV Tilesdtav eve,îing. Mrs. Susan Thompson. niother oi Mrs.. ?anushka,. bas gone to Rock Island, Ill. On Thursdav evening theMsrs Goodings gave a pleasaut part.v to their friends. On Centennial EDay exercises m-111 be held bv- the students of the public IMr. W. M. Hoyt bas put in a ce- men walk along bis grounids oin Sherilan road. Messrs. F. M_ french and E. A. eagant and, <amifies, have goine to Ccgo. to live. M.j. L.- Williams. of, Chicago. is, building a bouse on Willow street.- .Mr. Dave Crosby. of tbe Illinois National Bank, Chicago, spent Sun-, dav here with Mr. 1. B. Crosby. 1This morning the Rev. Quincy L. Dowd will preach a special sermon to the Cadet Corps. The "Severi Days of the Week'1 will be renidered in Acadenxy HaIl on- Friday next, by the .Young ladies' a uxiliary of the*,Cadet Corps. The Sýociety of King's Dbaughitcrs met with M.\iss Alice McKinneV on Thursdav afternoon. Mr. WV. W. Crosby lias returined f rorn atrip, f0 Michigan. '.\r. ..L. Houghteling, of Chizago. bas rented a residence here. The King's Daugbters will give a charity entertainmient ini Acadeiv, Hall next' Monday evening. A farewell reception was given Fri- dav evening, at the Rev. Q. L. Dowd's. to Mr. Simeon Gilbert and faniily. Nvho go to Chicago, after living hereè for fiteen years. The Grand Regent and other pro- nusïc atid Iv bY the v and Congri On Tues( of Edwin E tioni of Sh l Suincay sclioois. e was a large ani at the residenct, It was the celebra- ire's birthdav. and and cut up. Centennial Day will be celebrated ,with appropriate exercises in Acc- deini-vHall. HrOUSE GUEST HERE Mfiss Ella Mae Keeney of Rock- ford. II., was tbe bouse guest of lier. idge Ave. A. S. Van»D r vo"0 store, Konilworth Ave. m .5:0thn s was flot so fortunate. He wi is condition, but is eeorted to ,fl n, r sealed in! its juieiest v.mrmows 'i . , .. 1

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