Me0xic luflVfiflk atf10 iu tppror..ui of the prettlest, Senortae--making. pli- grimage tu Guadalupe Hidalgo-Tortilla., Gorditas and Pulqueé-Along thée high- roads-the Pyramide of our American ,egypt-Beautitful Cuernavaca the Borda Garden-the 'Morrow. Home - Where Lindberg~h met the Authoress of "North to the Orient"-A delighttul little jour- ney into .thie colonial past-Exquisite Tasco-and ideai old-thno town which han becoine a National Monument-the Church, that Borda bult-baek to thie caPtal-the floating gardens of Xochi- milco-along the Viga Canal-excursions to Toluca, Puiebla and Cholula--dowfl to Oaxaca-Mafrvelous Mitla-Monte AI- han of the golden treasure-westward to Uruapan where the railway end&-an - other journey into the quiet quaintness of thie pat-Patzcuaro and its lovely lakiton the isle of Janitzio--roninders of thie Itallan Lakes-Tzintiuntzan and the disputed Titian-into thie gentle Town House Photo Mies Genevieve Smith, harPist, and Robert Brown, violinist, wiIl alq>ear as instrumental soloists in thse morning worship service aîthtie Wilmette Congregational church, )Haster Sunday.* The choir 0sad quýart et teiil sing Rubinstein's '<Seraf'hic S'ong" wi4th violin, harp and organ accomj>animenit. The service starts at 10:45 oclock itith a choral prelude by thse solo quartet, Beulais Casler Rduards, Ethel Heide Wishover, William Ross and Cairmon Learn. Thse music is wader thse direction of Emily Robe rts. good nrade the comrades insisted that content of the bottie should old Scotch whiskey, but Scott contended (and who t that be was rduht?) that A ccessories ..for a Iovcd oeue or yeur own ensemble. ROSI L-arkwood and Belle. Sharmeer Iovely hos., iu the new spriug shades featuinug Crepe Twist, a lovely 3-thread chiffon w i th mail French foot and self picot rin-stop, $1 3 pro. for $28S $1.35 3 Prs. for $385 iremec sound ta n of Mexi eet peak ili : - Miss Frieda Salmen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Salmen, 1720 Wilrnette avenue, formerly of Win- fetka, arrived home this week f rom the University of Illinois for spring (Copyright) Large Parking Space for the of aur coutomera cWas tht it at the t, ther and e anni il 8. A , ,nned forq )e souvenir special ai ater.