at New i rier rugl'scnool and a resi- dent of Evanston. lintellectutal zgest bas been the moti- vation of ber life.. It is -best exempfli- fied by bier se ven -year quest for a Ph. D, but, other activities show the samne combination of ambition and ability. ,Miss UIlriclc calis ber degret Rachçel, because it took ber sevenyears te'wini it, just ýas it took Jacob seven .years to earn Rachel as his wife. -Asiduous Scholar vs Rachel led Miss Ullrick intô a .as anmounit of work. Aithoôugh she. lad taken bier B. A. and M. A. in bistory at' Nortbwestern 1 univ ersity, she wanted te add. political science te bier work for the doctor's degret. This meant mucb additional study for she had nlot bad any elementary courses ini political scence. -?#tler;, 1he hmd~ lad only ont year of Germa», and sbe' had te polish up on that lànguage. Then she decided te learn Spanish be- cause -she wanted especially to study Latin -American. history. Wbat witb this and that'she took so many courses she ended up with 30 credits to spart." Her achievement is even more impressive wben it is tuai taslc, she liopes, wil De ta write studies, and the curriculum has Deen a text-book on Latin America. In shaken out of its grooves-ancielit preparation for this sbe intends to history for the freshman, medieval take a leave of absence some time for the sophoinore, English for tht and make a circe tour, tbrougb tht junior, and American for, tht senior. Panama canal, down the west coast This shaking up took time, and a to Valparalso, into Peru,. over to World war. Tht war brought a new Over a period of years the museum las Ibeen adorned with a number of such models. 1 saw ont of boats, t'O showý thé graduai perfectinig of de-. "sign. fromn the barge to the Vikinig ship. The Temple of Karnak was there in the, glitter of Egyptian splendor of red and gold in columns and hieroglyphics. The Pyramid îs an exact model, buit to show the underground passages ýand tombs. And the niodel of Archimedes' screw worked perfectly when first made, Miss Ullrick. proudly stated. Emphazsze Field Work Side by side with 'Cases and tables exhibiting the models are displays of, Indian curios and implements. lent tô New Trier by Leslie- L. Cookt of Winnetka., Miss Ullrick lapes the Oriental institure, the and other sirnilar ini-, practical demonstra- growth of knowledge smiuas sne sÉrivys, jr Itaway s seMeu to me by February tach year, I would have to drop tht course because tbings became too crowded." Thesis Wins Attention At Wisconsin sbe studied under Lloyd Jones and Reinsch, tht latter of whom had just returned from bis à 'iu Qrme Seach :iucui ru m1ange -k so that in3 descendants n as part of tht ým has worked was rampant, ro -serve sc nof a commttet to survey i books and appraise their c IDr The doderw, Trenids M is ini tht nidst oa r j for a three wee at Ft. Lauderda with ,Fia. prim