'f0 SETTLE 'ESTATE CHOIC E WILMETTE LOCATION Colonial ln heart of East Wllmnette on wooded lot. 4 bedrooims and heated sleeping Porch. Dining porch. Library. Hlot water oil. 2-car. Only $10,50o. Im- mediate possession. NORTH SHIORE REALTY 523 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 81 l11ILTN45-ltc A REAL HOME. 10 RMS., 3% B. VERY DE$IRABLE LOCATION IN Winnetka, close. to lake, achools and transportation. Lot 100x200. $40,000. City National Agency 0F EVANSTON, INC. 800 Davis St., Rm. 400 Gre. 1412 l11LTN45-ltô AT,~ LAkST WE AVYE XCT *what you have been asking for, a com- *pact colonial bone with large reenis. 5 bedroomns, 3 baths. A lst floor llbrary. An excellent neighborhood. The price is $17,000. Owner will make special terms to rellable buyer if sold soon. 13AUMANN-COOK 553 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka .2450 l11ILTN45-ite HOWARD SCIIOOL ON B1EAUIFUL'îî CET~RxAL AVE.~ -lismana -rx, IliisPI. 2:as, .oil heat, attached garaie. Caî lluihland pa4rti 302. 11IA-rL45-ltp FOR SALE.-VACANqT NEW HORIZONS INDIAN HILL ESTATES Why not drive your family out, Lake Ave., Wlimette, te look over these beautiful home- Ulm trees and shrubs are planted on every lot, and al wires are underground. The, streets are winding and the lm- prevements are the finest. lA, few selected' 60-foot lots on -PaWnee, Pontiac, and Miami Reads are now offered at the low prices of $2,900 to $3150- aise a large, deep 75-ft. lot on Iroquois. In addition te the fine homes now under construction and spring - yen will bè in good company, but won't be crowded. If you wish further Informa- tion eall us for our interesting map and other particulars. SHORE-TOWNS REALTY COUP. 1603 Chicago Ave., Evanston Gre. 2700 FRANKLIN RICALTY CORPORATION 1569 Sherman Ave., Evanston Uni. 7777 114LTN45-Itc $2,-e500 la a modest piefr a building site 60X187.-Narthe Bkokit school-new homes are being built ail1 around .lt-a dellghtful communlty to lie ln. HEILý& HEIL, OPEN EIVENINGS ANI) SUNDAYS 1322 Chicago Ave. Davis'1819 114LTN45-lte Choice lot 71x182 located near Skokie Golf Club. SMART, & GOLEEe 0m.c. Uni. 0283 Evanston WiI. 2486 114LTN45-1te LAKE GENEVA RESTRICrED HOMESITES. 100x150, water, gas, ,electricity, telephone. Golf course adjacent. Five new homes. Will .,acrifce oe sali or 4vadê e for Xrtih Shor-e vacant. Write B-l01, Box 60, ,wilrnette, Illinois. 114LTN45.-ltp HUBBAflD WOODS BARGAIN 100x140 feet wooded. Fine location. Only $50 per foot. Might divide. Mr. Thatcher. E. SAW-,ER SMITH 725 Elm St., Winnetka 'Wlnnetka 3500 REAL1 Write: 'te M. McGUIRE & ORR, mec. That Their, Office at IDEEIRFUELID WILL BE OPEN êLL DAY and ,every day te supply a gen- eral Real Estate Service and apecialize ln homesites ln Beautiful "Briarwoods." LISTIN -GS ARE READY New Listings Arejnvited The offlce la opposite school and Briergate Golf Club Just east of Wraukegan Road. TEL. DEERFIELD 112 compact livab.1e heuse -i very ecenc Ical ln operation. J3AUMANN-COOK 553 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 3, 1l1LTN45- Inc. BAIRD & ai; -5it 'LAMINGO SIlO? 1Ave. Wlnnetlca 2067 129LTN4-lte 8E. wi tileebat] beulifula 1. i lil1LTN4 5-lt p1 5 2 .01 611 -ite 1