w-h loy Wilson* Dressier, soprano, and Jerome Netvins, t eMno, toiljl appear asoloists in ths Ca» tata, "Thse Cross," by PlaxinigiottHarker. This work <e«~ ? wi besungby h Senior choir of thse Wilr t nlssLthrncrc, Seventh street ut- Greenleaf av'enu,- Good Friday eveninu, March 26, a 0V 9.. o'clock, under thse drection fVitriaMLod. Tise cantata is a beautifidl m usical setting of thse "Seven Last Words of Christ." Each of the "Woýrds,", twhichi arc tise parti» g thoughts exPressed by ew Christ at the Crucifixion, is sivig by a solo voice. The star y of the Passion ~Wee*,is -tûld i choral k»u.beirs by ,r ni.r4roM.(fot !M.Nvn by Bermne.)cdcou,(PoooMr eis .H. Deacong, Resident, E Gloirlous Pirints CGûrfeous color combinations in lovely sheers Kenilworth services were held last Friday after 'asses Away leaf avenue in Wilrnette with inter 351 Cum~berland ment at Rosehili' cemetery. She - a retired lumber- survived by two sisters, Mrs. Aibet n Sunday at St. Stoddard, and Mrs. Katie Laut'X , vanston, after with whom she had made her hom. g *.................. Ou&r newest spring matching accessores have just arrived. Girls widow, Mrs. Camilla Clayton Deacon;, by a daughter, Dorothy.; by a son, John, and by a brother, Arthur, of Chicago. Miss Elizatbeth Sehade 4' Monday to attend 'the funeral ser'- ices of Mrs. Schilberg's. mothe. Mrs. Margaret May, who passe[ away Thursday of last week afte- an illness of five years. Mrs. Ma-q had made her .home with her daughý- ter and family nrior to the time she Look I J