of Foturth street and Laurel avenue in Wilmette, as reported Over last week end in the real -estate section of a, Chicago newspaper, was issued on Monday by, Benjamin H. Ehrlich, owpner of, the tract. of land, in ques- tion. According to the story declr t be without'foundation by Mr, 'Ehrlich, one Archie G. Spencer, acting for the 'Theater Acceptance. Syndicate,"' an- noun1ced on Saturday 'that 0 ru proposed to bu ild ,at. once a 1,0 00 seat novel "marine theater" with a 60-foot glass brick lighthouse and six stores. Possibly apartments would also ýbe added. It was stated that even the name of the theater had been selected. It was to be called "The Harbor." Thie site oposite thee etevated [ depot and yards at Linden avenue. is about 3,000 feet in a straight line frein Wilmette' harbon. Nautical Design It was said that -tbe land 'was te be acquired for $40,000, that the. theater with its shores and its light- bouse woulcest $150,000, and that the residential portion cf the building would cost about $75,000 and would e sign mus suit to, force the village to issue a building permit to him for an apart- ment building, although the tract, had been zoned. residenial,bW the village' board. It. was pointed out, too, that sev- eral village ordinances stood in the way. of the plan as aninounced in the Chicago paper. A. tower or light- bhouse' such as.that projected would be' forbidden by a law which pro-, hibits- such structures to rise more than 45 feet. Where plans as an- nounced cali for a parking space big enough to accommodate 500 cars* across the street from the theater, it, was pointed 'o ut that there'i s ne commercially zoned territery near enough. to be capable of being used for such purpose. Both parking lots ,and ,4partmnt . buildings artcon-_ fined to commercial or industrial areas. Price of Lot. A qu this 'w for the paper, f oot. stion was raised ini th ek as to the price to lot. As quoted in the his was $40,000, or $25( Property in that ini ýrhood has been qui it from $100 te $150 0. Construction eRemodeling: * Lawn Work 0 RoýkGardons * ýPools-Torraces 0 Plant Materi*ls 0 Grdrcon Supplies Estifttates and ConsulItation FitIogt O)bligagion WILIAMwnaEýs & CO. 1 Landscape Designers and Contractors 1 EVANSTON 627 Grove Street GrenImf 4040 noies for windows, wit h the audi- require a setback on1 the building torium resembling the main saloon. of line along Laurel avenue and one a ship,and the waves represented by which, with or without a theater artificial billows on the side walls. would limit the number of apart- The buildings would cover a plot if ments on that size lot to 21. Modern Basements Have Murais Parcels of Land For Small Country Estates Hol. 6886 Uni. 6886 Wi.1660 nortk shore home. (Wouldn't the dogs i» t/uit mural like to get cit thaf bail!) The inodern oi burner nay be see» through the door at lef t. WINNBTKA 156 Center Street Winnetks 2450 l' - 1