choice homesites stili exist, however, "The. trend toward a steadi'ly im~- but those planning, to build I homes .proving real estate and renting at some future time should nlot delayý :Market on the north shore will ýcon- teeo long. tinue for quite a few years,", said Mr. Available Homes Reduced "Nor should those . who plan te buy bouses already buit wait much long- er., In the brackets, ranging from $20,OOO up, th e amount of available, homes -lias been reduced, but prices bas net risen materially and rare bargains still can be found. "We know from the large numnber Of property owners for whomn we are now drawing. plans. for ýnew homes," Mr. Kraetsch concluded, "that thereý will be a great- volume- L of construction along the înôrth shore during, 1937. We have added the Most capable men we could find to our architectural and~ o¶*~t~ divisions. We have been assured that ail types of mortgage financingY wil be made available to the owners of Whitaker Character-Homes. We feel that we have taken every possible step te insure efficient and speedy handling of the home builder's prob- - lems." NEMI SKOKIE'CLUB*, $22.3500. Out where the sunsets are famous -situated on a wide lot is this attractive 'English brick home, complete with screened porch and two- -:car attached garage.ý Step irom the- hall into a large living room with a wood-burning fireplace. Upatairs you will find four bedroonis and three baths, two of which are tiled and have showers. ilwtndýw adbogtlit ajren f tone. Thel price quoted is juet about two-thirds of the former price. We will be proud to take. you. into this home. QUINLAN andt TYSON 1571 INC. VE. UJNI. 2602 ditions and iasts. longer. i herefore, buiding there is a sound basis for stating ating and that both property values an-d rentais National wiIl climnb over a considerable span tion to be of years. to 16 loci Ris. In Economic Values bution in "First. of the three stages which coructP tient in1 been taise district naci land eth to $1 per air-corg *as an importa le revival of I l and home modc ve one of the mc t combination h( ning plants. AND 'ONLY nouern I ngan y* JM 907 Line. Aveu.. 1Wim..tIw 908