il, -vasion itis u uenenr, according to an. announice- ) a movie-illustrated. lecture bymetmd ata ewn metg Sasha Sijemel,, a spear hunter of *ý, Mardi 10, at the home South, America.. Hé hunts jaguars,ý> of* Mrs'. Leonard, Stratto.n in Evans-, spears and bow 'and arr ow -as ton', The benefit, a fashion show and his ýonly weapons. He is jiow -on his çard party, was held March 3. at the_ way to Hollywo*od,' to make a pic- Xoman's Club of. Evanstoni., ture, with Frank Buvk.ý Plans for:decidinig how ;the* money Present at ithe lecture will be Mr. shall'be spent wiIl be made, at. a meet- and Mfrs.- John F. Jennings a'nd Ed- ing of thée-board' announced for Mon- ward. M\cCormjck Blair, members ofday, Mardi '22, at 2 o'clock at the an expedition Mr. Siemel led into the 'home of Mrs. Kenneth H. Brush, jungles, of Brazil. 1528 Lincolin street, Evanston.' the Mrs. Ivon S. Pieters of Evanston recording secretary. is chairman in charge of the party. Friday of this week, aIl members and has, Mrs. E. Corey Blanchard of of the organizatiori have beeni- - Evanston as her, co-chairma n. "They vited to visit the o rphaniage. ' They are twoJnmnbers of the finance coni- W'll meei at the Hearthstonie tea- mittee, of which Mrs., Ralph Wells of rooni i Hubbard Woods for lunch- Evanston is chairman and Mrs. Frank eoxii at 12:30 o'clock, and then will Kelly of Evanston, co-chairman. Com- drive to Lake Bluff to make a tour Plei hg't ffirnthiteare Mr>s. Myron o teintiuton Watkins of Kenilworth, Mrs. John Nuveen, Jr., of Evanston, and Mrs. Harold Ray of Chicago.Tw Ch rhDison Peter S. Barlons lo EnterteiSafurday iiement oi enilwàrth and John Whitcornb Holloway of Glencoe, whose marriage wil take place Sat- uirday, April 3. P. E. O -The sec WiII M..t Next Week Division V of the Wilmeî.te Pansl Methodist Episcopal church will hold Mrs Larles Rose, 192; avenue. Mrs. Lawrence the assisting hostess. Observes Birthday miss Heélen. Brittenharn of Gien- coe is director of the tea which will follou, the preýE aster sale of spring accesso ries at thse National College of JEducation Marcis 22 and 2.3. from 10 'until 5:30 <laily, T/he beune- fit i:s ponsored by the College Yeacr B)ook staff. --- rganzro o a Junior V\'oman'> oth *Ad society at the Wilmette Parisli be MVethodist Eiscopal church a, tea, -sponsored b)y the members of the Sixth division of the society, was held at the church Sunday afternooln. About sixty guests> were present, at the ae are Mrs-. J. A. R uf, 1527 Walnuî street, ik Guy, entertained the members of her, bridge club on Friday, March 12. 1-f the pr during the the chapter Miss Betty 'n univérsitY. ber filteentli Vinnetka is in, Saturday ata a to 6e pre- ber paren1ts, "g. Bruce of 514ý Marie Bruce celebrated birthdy anniversary a dinner partY given by Mr. and. Mrs. 'R. W.' Eighth-street. Tre<>urer and chairman oj the ciemillèe -on '#bom arrangement for tihe pre-Easter saie of .tpring ac- cessories s>onsored by the Year Book staff Match 22 antd 23, aitihe National College of lEducation, is Miss Muritel Meyer of 1422 Gregory avenue, Wilrnette. The sale zill be held in Alumnae rooin, Harrison hall, daily, from 10 to 5:30. sories, followed by a tea, will be held- at the National Collège of Education ini Evanston, on March, 22 and 23, under the direction of the Year ,Book staiff, it is announced by Miss Marion Binswanger, editor of the Year Book. i