The trip will begiln on Fniday, April 9. Mr. 'Frjsbie, announced,. when the students'Will leave Chicago over.the Pentusylvaniia railroad. Mr. Frisbie, is to bé.,il! charge of the boys. in t he. Party, while Miss Elizabeth Iladden and Miss Iris Bolton, both of the school faculty, will1 have charge of, the girls. After the arrivai in Washington ail Saturda miorning, the. group will be taken or a motor trip through ýVin- ginia into the Luray caverns, .ain4 later over the "sky Une drËive" of the BI31ue. Ridge mlountains, 'visiting -the î'atural bridge and spendig the nlight at a hotel niear there. Home of Jefferson *Sundav wvill be spent in cotiitluing on to Lexington and Washington and t[ee university~, CÇrlottesviIe and, the University of Virginia, and Monti- cello, the home of jefferson. Froîuî Charlottesville the party wiII drive, to Richmiond. On 'Monday the students wvil1 visit Richmond: Williamnsburg, at Williamn and M.\ary college, an-d the restora- tion wvork i progress there: York- town; andi Olti Point Comifort. Thati Ilight the part\- will emibark aboard a steamner for the -return trip up Chesapeake bav and the Potoniac to jAnnapolis, NwthIuflclieon at UanveI hall.. In the aftennoon the part.y will visit the Unitedi States Naval Acad - eniy. an(]i will returu. to Washingtonî for a tour of the Congressional li- brarY ini the evening. WVednesdav is to be occupied ini Clyde Brown to Gonduct Photography Show Tour Phiotographs m rade abroad and in 1~A-AAVFRIENJJS ARE TOUR NIEIGEDOIiS 1 1L L NIs BUE LL TELEE iierckum has beci beginning of the si Pebruary. esince the semester inii I E