Thus- it -w--:ill, be seen that there is no way to'get around the capital cost of the growth Of student po>pu- lation of the township, whether it be at New Trier or. in each onle of the lementary achools. Can this capital cost now be met under the law? Yes. Until July il next, school, districts which have already used' up their entire debt-incurrinfg powerý of the legisiative limit of 2V25- per cent of assessed valuations can. stili go to a re(ferendum to increase, theilr debts upte the 5 per ýcent constituitional * limitation. 0f course, the question in eacb case would be whether or. tiot present tax rates, could support, such increase in interest and amorti- zation of the loans. Presumnablv Knjworth coulI ,do se, but., that village does nlot wish to do so. One' %would have te examine the current budgets of the. other districts to as- certain if any surpluses are being built up theoreti.cally, which will turn into reality with the collection of the big. backlog of delinquent taxes. Probably bth Wîlmette andl Glencoe coulci support additional debt if two things happen: if they sbould elect te increase their tax limitations and of the best all-around judges in the wvorld. lit wilI be bhis flrst appearance at a Chicago show. Amongte breeds he will judge. are retrievers, spaniels, beagles, bloodhounds, Ger- Man -shepherds,. Irish wolfhounds,- Newfoundlands, pekingese, poodies, schipperkes, pointers and setters. -Other judges -are Mrs. Leona Deng-ý er of Prydehurst, Comstock Parkç, .Mich.;, Edward D. *McQuown of Dayton, Objo,;George - D. Dodd of St. Louis, Henry Gobson of Milwaukee, Roger Phillips of "Highland Park, Reginald P.. Sparks of Forrest Hilîls, Ont., Mrs. mattie L. Hevdorn of De- troit. and V.r.s. George F.1-enneberr'v IHLiLTU CENTERI I NEWS The Dental Cliniics this week areý as, follows: Tuesda%,-9 te, 12 a. ni. Avocp' shool, Dr. Christie w.%ith Ms.Blis, R. N., nurse in charge. WNýedniesday.-9 to 12 a. ni. _NeW Trier High school, J)r. Christie ,Nitt, Mrs. Bliss, R. N., nurse ini .chargý Lynn 0. Waldorf, 214 Nipith stree, head football coach at North- wvstic univrstyJzM ketu' select- cd as thte inost otitstanidikig alinnu of Pi Kappa~ Alpha fraternity for tlic vear 1936, it - uus announced Friday, IMarcht 12, at thte weekly *luncheow of the Chicago ah4m,ni chapter zehich o.mîually presents a plaqute to thte mmse selected as hov4ing doue thte ,ost for his profession, his Ira ter if y, and hi mself during the year. cent; persons iured, FCuIJa a cent. *"Strict law enforcemient., Arrests ai- .ter accidents in 1935 were 51; in 1936,, 152. One hundredý per cent cooperation from police magistrate and village prose- cutor. Unique fines: For ýviolations lby minor, high school.studenits, fine can be worked out by ýwritifnga 50 to 1,000 word thesis on safety. . Chief of Police Cloyd C. McGuire. marks the Fines also cati be worked out by bhelp- ing.police niake tra(fic checks and sur- veys. Non-student violators can work out fines by servuig on village.truclcs or garbage wagon. Careful Trame cChecks "Traffic checks niade. periodically; spot map was kept. Collision diagrams were made of intersections where acci- dents- 4ccurred, Tza1lfa signs anê sigsaai of standard* design. Carried out ex- tensive progratn of street widening, new paving and resurfacing-curb corners cut back, cross walks were marked an~d other pavement niarking done. "Al mnIbers ofpolice force attended class in accident prevention once a week for 36 weeks ýduring 1936. Monthly analysis made of police reports to determine nuniber of accidents, their caue nd result. Had acute non-resi- pluses. How About Tuition Schezne? This brings up an alternative of resorting to a tuition schenie for operation. This bas already been discussed by some of the school offi- ciais. It might mean for the higbI school to go. to a referendumi and' * da> On -March 3 a meeting wàas held daý at the Health Center to consider and ler investigate starting an ey~e clinic. 4 Nurses ini the schools hiave shown Tei that a great need exists at the present time for sucb a oi v ir iSpark- cago. r irst arn :augntt w otucers. "Village invoked -a special "bicycle" ordinance; carried out excellent educa- tion program ni public elémentary sehools and junior high schools. '"Village was outstanding for its ex- cellent enforcemnent. Police department bas adequate equipuient and personnel. Eniphbs in Scho>ols iolii orw meu..k, resident, ,,V, ERogers editor ot the 'Stephens L college weekly magazine. 1 -. ý ce, a di )01 in 1 ý ý!cýr Wilmet.të., -