4' v.r Amos Thornburg of IdetodiChubrch to Preach; *îte BEntire Cômmunity feIast of the Union Sunday Eve- î1ing. Lenten, services under theý ugpices of the Wilmette, Minister's jnion will be beld 'Sunday evening. étarch 21, at the First Congregational, furch, Wilmette ý'and Lake avenues. t 7:30(o'clock. Tie Rev. Amos, Thornbtarg, min- ter of' the Wi' lmette. Parish Meth- .dist chtirch, wilI bring the message. 'le other ministers of te 9vilg aking p art aâre the Rev. Gheorge D.a dlison, Dr. Hubert Carton, the1 ,ev. John G. Hindley, the Rev. Day-1 4~ R. Kabele, anid the Rev. Jameçs T.1 'X-ne1asen.'1 Th e choir 'of the entertaining cuch will present special *music, in keping with the Day-Palm Sunday.r 7e special music for the occasionr Îsas follows: o HmVTn "When 1 Survey the Wondrous ýross") ................ McinleyP So>--A Prayer .............. Curran coe and meml3er ef the board of edu- cation' of New Trier Township }iigh school, is the annual co ntest forthe lest 'essayon birds, writteni by a. stu- dent at the -higli school, which will be held again this year. The announcement was made this wekby Lewis E. Hildebrand, in- structor in biology at the school, that the contest was agin open, and that Mr. Barnett wvould'agairi ofer prizes of $10 and $5 for the best essays. Any s tudent-except one who has âlready taken first prize-may com- pete, Mr. Hildebrand declared. Papers are' imited, as te Iengtb. to a mini- mum and mfaximum: ,200 te 2,500 words, In.,the vast, it was added, the best papers have pertained te first hand knowledge and experience with hird. Jif e., . - 1 - l The judges, it usiially chosen net reside in thi pýapers are subi with a key numI possible for the il paper is being ni, -The prizes will Selected to Suppant gpre Wh s evng Ville; I s-ý sue Convention Platform At a meeting of the Wilmette Harmnony convention, held in the Village hall last nigit, Michael J. Sporrer, 21210 e Kenilworth avenue,' withdrewias a candidate for Village Trustee, n iwhich capacity lie las served, the village for the past two years. The action was due .telois,»8. sudden, transfer te 'Washington, D., C., in which City the family wil *nake its future home. -Accepting Mr. Sperrer's resignation LCivie lias lic in tat it 15 im- s to know whose ed. awardecl late in e for ail papers and nt of copUl churcli. Gvic League Will Ifear, Dr. W. W. Bauer f he monthly luncheon meeting of Wlmnetteý Civic league is scheduled. eir flights. She ough they hadj dy of the chiii p-vos- Harmnony Cel te, as now w. on -in 1931. Iý ean ext reswifts ýoresvenue. h Marian Kremer, chairmnan. plan of had its c Oera US~.