the nose, and cornplained of severe pains in. the legs. Mr.- and Mrs. l3urnside were notified and. went imn- meédiately to -the, hospitaI to look after ber.: President Kinne, Ohlief McGuire, Back:From East Village President Harry C. Kinne and Mrs. Kinne, and Police Chief Cloyd C. McGuire and Mrs. McGuire. attended the banquet at the Waldorf- Astoria hotel, New York City, Mon-' day evening, at wbich the National Safety council presented awards, to the winners in the 1936 safety con- test,' in which Wilmette was first iii class 6, towns of 10,000 to 25,000 pop- ulation. President and Mrs. *Kinnie, . trini. rs. Julie Hoffman Dunning, 512 ge road, is spènding. a few weeks Hot Springs, Ark. She is taking minerai bath s during ber stay e. arr. by . .... . Dle- ui Henlry Greene-Bi1Y Henning The Little Toe Danoer ....... .Bilbro Arioso Mary Lou Rtitter Hne Arranged for Piano by-John Thompson, Hienry Greene Indian Malden at the Brook. ...Shaw Little Burlesque.. . .eon Jean Wle B3eside Trhy Cradie Here I Stand:. Bach Arranged by...... 1**--... Diller-Quaille A duet to be piayed on the organ. Molly. WiliainisSlIy Hazelet ,Gavbtte fromn Violin Sonatain G. .Bach Musette.............. .Both arrangedý by...John Thompson, Saly Hazelet Thteme and Two Variations from Sonata ln A MaJor .......... Mozart BlI1y Henninig Warriors Song .........Heller Molly Williamis Andante Cantabile. from Sonata Pa4the tique,> Opus 13.. ... ..Beet.hoven Virginia Graham To a WiId Rose ..........MacDom-el) Babette Bird Waitz C Mirjor, Opus1364,, N'o. 2 ......... hopîn Cyntha Walker DISCUSS NEW BOOK Mrs. E. John Hicks of 241 Meirose avenue, Kenilworth, was hostess to the member.s of her reading club for luncheon Tuesday. The book choser! for discussion wvas "Sound of Run.- ning Feet" by josephine Lawrence. Upper LeIt - Perfect fitting coat with detachable pique collai, . .* over a new skirt with suspender top. Sizes 8 to 14. Have your children step out on Easter UNI. 0973 1' /