Piqjre to the rest.of thé country. Please brg with you your ehief of police or' soie other officiai who mnay be deserving 0f special credit for your fine safety acîmiipli.shùment. the past yea r. Formiai intations being inailed to yôu tonight. Kidly wire acceptance. "W. H. Camneron "Manýraging, Director "Nationial Safety Counei" Basis of ýAçhievement. he awards are made on. a basis of acievenlent and progress ii . saiety or-. gaization, education, engineering, and eiurcetneiti, as well as in actual fatalityý reuctions. Wiuiîette's activitlies in these brnches of ýsafety preveniion work had* atacted. wide attention, and brought, th' follovving request f rolilthe Council: Chicago,'i. ..Match 6 Hnorable Har*ryý C. Kinne, Plecase miail us Saturday for national x)e9ss use. statement of twvo,_hundred of the council to attend the, banquet ini New .Y ork and receive the award. Re%.-turns Home Pro m Panama and Havana Mrs. LH. G. Prosser of 803 Lake avrenue, W ilmette. returned home Saturday from a two-mnonths' trip. jMr., and Mrs. Prosser had gone to Caijfornia and then sailed to theý Palina Canal, stopintlg ini Central America before going to Havana'. Mir. Prosser stayed there for a week and returned home alo'ne, but Mrs.1 Prosser.remained a fortnight longer and sailed to Miami, taking the train from there. Their son, Bob, a stu- i dent at the Universitv of Illinois, meal reasnnw.y yau àsbuJ< bring your prescription~s here ta bc compounded., Every store wewits pat- ronage. We strive car- nestly to earn it by main- taining the bhhst etieica standards. Yaur prescrip- tion, en trusteul to Us, wil bc fiiled precis.Ily as y@ur dactar directs. Noa substi- tutians; no variations. Fresh, patent drugs, comn- pounded by a skilled regis- tered pharmaclut, and (airly priced in every, In- stance. Bring your re. seriptious her. e b Aed. ISH MER! HAND LOTIOýN <*IFT SIZI> WiâhAy5 ADJsot ukumt f S690401 DisiayOur0 six lstoi wester't-- A> :oUrself. Trnri. "National Safety Couneil -20 North Wacker Drive" W. iH Praise Police Cliief i avenue, 'fie wôrk of Chief of Police C loyd Friday C. -UcGuire, whio lias hiad so, large -a fislinlg t Tek, To.th Brush .39c Bryten Tooth Paste.....25c Pollidemit Plate Cleanser- 30 auJ 60c Squibb's Oral Perborate .. 47C Prrnts $10 sime Lavonis .. ..79c 4 lb. bar BocabeIi Soap. .$1.39 Kantieek Water Bottie. $1 .50 RubLer Gloves .....pair i19C Super 1D Perles $297 Gorgeous color combina- tions are the features of LYTMAN'S 1CE CRIAU S UCIALS Eye Ma I