iiewedu £'Jroximaejy it eu, Lot 50x184. Speclal assessments..paid yOUR RENT RECEIP'] In full;. taxes$18 count as paymeits-an home le something to ihi TI1GHE RIEALTY money. Exclusive Agents 521 4tb Street Wjlmette 910 We have.severalsmali ho= 111LTN44-ltc be purchased for as i( down payment. LIST WITH SEARS for prompt service, We can buiild what.you wa Saes Rentais you want., Noý obligation :WILMiETTE Brick Col.. in perfect, condition-S3 Ige. 41btT TTC!P bedr., 1% b.,itd.'sun and sleep. pches. NOR'M VViS7 *-game rmn.j ohl, 2-car gar. Only R»IALTY AND'BUILIC $ 15000!Bulders for over 36 EAST KEMNILWORTH, 516 Davis St., Evanston One of Uic :outstanding vaiue,% stili left.. *Stucco ýCoi. 5 bedr., 3 b., llbrary, sun IM1~EIT ÔS and gaine room., $35,'000.1 EIT Ü I WINNETKA . WA.GNER ROAD, GL: (Choice Ardsley Rd. location), 6 room trame country h Charmfing Col. on large lot. Completely roome, 1% bathe, 2-cai decorated - 4 master bedr., .2 b., 2 acre, shade trees and orel maids' rms. and b., hitd. sun and slccpý. new and In excellent coi pehs. Lees than $30,000. $250 GLENCOE BNOKU ý$or2000 akies mo., Eug. , 5bedr.,ý3. 'b., BNOKU den, scr. pcb. home li choice loa- 3 h#drôoms, 3 Ilifixif(2 -t tion on «large wooded lot. bedroomn possible; studio library, dining room, bre SEARS R ALT ST oil bot water beat (eost SE R S is.nd Road ESioTATE28 garage. Constr., conimôn t 421Ricxxind oad Kenlwotb 288wooded. Taxces $120. Nem 111LTN44-ltc per montb ($11,200). Pri 770 BLUFF STREET MWYATT & C( AN IDflAL. LOCATION FOR YOIXR 1026 Waukegan Rd., Glenv FAMILY. LANDSCAPING THÂT WOULD TAKE YEARS TO CREATE. The bouge bas fireproof walls, insulated 1 T-AVE MOVED againstcold and heat, siate roof, a --- -- - -*-- i-. pp -- bi urn- iASK MY AGENT ABOU L's L Wq yr in a >r ýyour me which caxi ant and where n for talktng )INGCO 6 years. UNI. 9500' 111LTN44-ltc ISSION EN VIEW home, 3 bcd- r garage, bards.Alost iditioxi. Price 'nocated near Hriwaru vv sechool, Cathollc churoh and transportation. Price now oxlY $14,000. McGurIRE & ORR, Imc. Over 43 Years of Dependable Service' 530 Davis St., FE vanston Greenleaf 1080 Wllmette 228 1111,TN44-ltC A-GEM IN WINNETKA A IBRICK COLONIAL. 7 TEARS' OLD with living roomi 15x28. 5 bedrooms, 3 baths (2 full tfue batbs), cômplete lavatory, oil heat anid attached 2-car ga- rage in neigbborbood of new homes. Lot 60x185. $6,000 cash and $88'xiionth-, ly will' make it all yours. in 14 Yeaire. Sales price S" 80. Ask us for an ap- plication to, show you through. Mrs. Fuller & W n.ý Pickçar d 746 ELM ST., WINNETI<A, 'W'nnetka 3603 University 7444. 111LTN44-ltc EXCPTONA VLUE A family hoeni suLùte on lare wôode grounds. 6 bedrms., 3 baths, extra lavatory, firepl in liv. & dli. rm. let ftr. Oak trim. 2xid & Srd, white exiameled, pchs. 011 heat. 3-car gar. priced low. Well constructed modern 7 xrm. brk. 4 bedrins., 2 baths, extra lav., deni, brkf et. nook. hutler's. paxtry. Wooded lot. Near schl. & lake. . Elmer E. Stuits, Inc. 460 Winnetka Ave. Wixinetka 1800 illITrN4È4tQ] 8 ROOM, 3 1,ùBATH-, ENGISH BRICK. Recreation room, oil heat, frigidaire, incinierator, 2-car att. gar.; iast Wrord in construction and hslation nmodert througbout; in cholcstWlnnetkna lake, transp., .grade4iigb sehools. ()PEN EVENINGS 7 TO HEITNSEN REALTY CO. 60Center St. Wiunetka. 25ý 111LT-N4 It EXCELL E NT VALUE - iovely 8 rm. homie, hollou tile constr., conv. to sehîs.-& transp. 4 bdrm,,.,.2 bas., 18x28 liv. rm. Canvas walls, att. gar, beau.. gardeni. Price $18,000. THE BILLýS REALTY, Inc. 529) Davis St., TIlanrton Gtre-rleaf I 4line 4 e 3740 1111LTN44-l1:C Tom and jerry Oli PETER AND SUE, YOUVE ~BKEN looking for an attractive home, one your friends will admnire, .and in a iie neighborhood. You xieed -4 bedrms., 2 tile bathe wltb showers, a lst fl. laa- tory, an open porch, a large living rut, an attached garage, oil humer, a brick house recently built., We have it for' $1641.Corne and see it. batixlng oeaoncs. uwxier 1eavIngt5D W111 oi ail or part of property at 'h oÉ original value. STOP. AS YOU DRIVE BY. Inspect the bouse from within and sec the beautiful view over the Skokie Valley. Ernest M. Kimball, owner. Phone Glencoe 170 or Franklin 7300; 135 South LaSalle Street, Chicago. lllLTN44-ltc WVHITE COLONIAL TT.,,.a ,1 güri'f sold at ntfce. This il11r DEERFIELD, WHERE TAX SAVINGS for Fuel. 5-room brick bu 3ickar.d brary Corne firepla4 'KA ~ be yourself 'judge o slty 7444 Northshore LTN44-ltc 523 Wlnnetka Ave. PAY HUBBARD W- PA- 1005 Greenwï unga- N. E. Co r.oil 1 e next Suxiaay and f value at $m0500. Realty Co. OWNER WANTS ACTION ON bis 6 rm. home 3 bdrmns., bath,. and lavatory. Price is $11,000, cash required $2,500, balance like rent. Don't miss Mis. Cati Mr. Voss. THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 529 Davis St., Evanston <ret'îleaf 116t; %Wilm-ette 3740 * 11LTN44-1tC- *MEAD& COt EuCoW8Ivz AGE4TS 69 W. Washingtonu Street, Chicago RauIoIpix 0450 *University 62781 11ILTN44-ltc .