Sy Lucy R. Hawkinms This started out to be a piece about, John E. Lynn of Gleiicoe, but because hie às apilot for the Wien Alaska Air- lines, Imc., it has turned out. to be a sales talk for Alaska. Part of the credit is due to the charm of young Es:. 1894 *allerlei lo M R.eglldlmgof Prames Md RestrImg of Canvoses Fairank istbeof no casualties and of the companys Fireise sothMr siniîar record. I forget wbether he Lyn uesasa ~,sad the coté n had flown one, or Lynn tsrseasor thirty mIllonpassenger base, and in case . miles, wit out a fatality but. whatever you do flot. have a the figure, it was mrsie and 1 map t had, i 18have neyer been one to carp about up in the interior, where 1 arn in the millions. Mr. Wien a b out half-way has been flying since 1923, one of the betwen tli eveterans of the north, and Mr. Lynn sthe rncot adas been flying since 1930, with the th Ar ti c sea. portion of his career since 19ý34 lb- taerbases for 25 cated in Alaska. thebas fo 25Lansd of Oppiortunity planes, of whicb It seemsý that he took his flying1 Noel Wien, Lynn's training: at the LU. S. Navy base at1 employer, o w n s Pensacola, FIa., as one of the studentý seven. There used John E. Lynu reserve officers from Northwesteril to be more planes in the Wien en- tit iv'er sity, and turned to fiying as a tourage, but two blew away in a gale. profession because after al a liberal1 gale. coast, in iuwns iw ej uneau, wAAicLAA the captal, Skagway, Seward, Valdez,. and Nome, and spotted in the interior wherever a seutlement bas clung tena-' ciously orsprung up for some reason. of economics. Fairbanks for instanceé, has only 2,500 white souls in it, but it is distinguished by.baving the Univer- sity of Alaska, an institution of 300 or 400 students with, the reputation of beiniz the most northern of any ' col- lege in. the world. The university began ith the departments of agricul-. ture and: mining, but bas recently been enlarged to include liberal arts. The Indians and% Eskimos Who live chiefly on their prowess as fishermen and hunters are governed rather care- fully. One item in the governing is t) A I Mfr. Lypoit ih h motlier, Mfrs. J. Fred Lystn, and hi; sister, Mary K. f,3ywn, of Glenicoe, upho visited with /shi41Aa.ska recently. Il