eg witn plans for thie enehit s 3Mrs. Vrilliam Mueller of Evanston - na- tponal grand President of the soro-, t'ty, a member. of the, faculty of the Rhool of speech at Nortbwestern. Tickets for the operat may be oh- tined from, Miss « Pynter, from (iandler' s or tbe Northwestern (G-op' in Evanston, or from the 4~rn & Heéaly stores.'in Evanston ad Chicago. Feurs From Six Voeks' TriP wes Mrs. Carej-.Orr of 225 Woodbine, B'enue returned to -Wilmette last Tiursday froîn a six weeks' trip to tteWst ýcoàst. "She spent niosf 'of- he timne at Altadena with Mrs. C. M. Spinhour of- Evanston, who has talen a house for the winter. Mrs. Or and Mrs. Spainhour stopped for a veek at the Pacific .Coast club at Loîg Beach white they visited Mrs Spzinhour's brother, Captain Marior Roeertson of the U. S. Navy, assignl- ed to the U. S. S. California at, San. Il S J /4IM.Iram 0F ROSES.. Maurie keymour Photo Miss Mildred Cable, w/sa it tem- POraiiY stainig at the C. W. Baike homte, 40 Deere Park, Souths, High-. land Park, iW/IL sing, et the meeting af :the. North Shore Catg'regationi Itrel Sisterhood Monday ai tèr- noon, Marc/s 15, at 2 o'clock. Miss Çab6le, a scholarship Pupil at the bedecks this sollor. Truly a'Par is ýinspired 1hof, with its keffle edge brîm and, flower trirn., In sfraw of cou rse and if cornes inalth e Spring shades .... ...............65 n. A1 MNeighbors ian, all of rnese cf two years. For ,Mrs. Paul SchuIl ofinces fori a one-year I e. Jr.. was I the- important new hosiery color interpreted by mc. Evonsfon Aids Recihuls Il Iý- by arts, torId-z ta obtii ions. Inc. Evanston ý»Mý GARDEN