Philanthropy workers, who' though flot metubers of the club., have aided the bi-monthly sew- ing days by iin f their time and interest, are invited to be guests of the Woman's Club of Wilmette for its program, Wed- nesday a@fternoon, ýNovember 17. At that timne, one of the. most uniusualevents of the year, and. one in keeping with the season of Lent,, will. be given. Marie Mayer, the famous, Magdalene of Oberammergau, illprscrt, Great Mloients of-Oberani- nieragu," with hand - colred slides. Tea will follow the p)ro- grom wvhich is presented by the chairman of phi~tntt-py; Mr-,. George E. Walk. Duririg the mrnrfing of the sainie day, two members of the litèrature departrnt wiIl give book reviews. At 10:45 o'clock, Mrs! David Hall will review "Heatis and Tales" by Malvina Hoffman. One hour later club members will bear Mrs. W. A. Marie Mayer, <tcclaimed by th e pr é.ss of. the wkorld as the "g reatest Mary Magdalepie that the Passion Play has ever kijotum!." 4i appear at thse Woman's Club 'of Wï'lmettc tiext Wedpiesday afternoon with her illustra ted program, "Great Moments of Oberarntnergatu." Anton Lang, beloved Christus of thse -production,. lyed oppositer0in1» leadng Jeva h~u*4n, tis PcO1eW which 7was brou ght. froin Obero*iurgari by Mrs. David J. Davis, president of Of. the club. Miss Mayer is the 0)113' nmber of the master Jo, cast of thte famtou; Oberammsergau Passion Play ever to lecture in the United States, Si, is. one of the tivo womien ini history w/to have been awarded thse faimous Pavoan n-edal for fine arts. 'FIower M. w"'i fards are out to the menibers of the junior Auxiliary of E v- anston Infant Welfare Center' and miembers of the infant Wl ýfare Junior Service league, re- minding them.of'the party 'fol- lowing the finals of the national: badminton tourna.ment, which they are . sponso ring, in the Naval Armory Saturday% eve- ning, April 3. Captain 'Edward A. Evers, coin. manding oifficer of the Naval .Reservi in Illinois, bas..turned over the' 0f. ficers' lounge* to. thein for that nighi when it will be transformed into Chicago's gayesit nautical nighit club. Saitls, fishing nets, and signal flagp will make the rooms for dancing the. forty-foot 'bar and the long buf. fet t;4bles,a marine settig long to 4' remetiibered.. Joe Rudolph's oi- chestra and the Three .Aces, strollirg players, have been engaged. Members are asked to mnake th(ir reservations at once as there are oniy a limited number of tickets to tie Nigbt Club available. A group luas been set aside for out-of-town play- ers and friends, as many have expressed their degire to attend andi and a brilliant stereopticofl' portrayai Whitlock-"TI of the world famous production she is called, which bas been presented for more tical illustratt than three-hundred years i the little rangement, ii village of the enchanting Bavarian tiôns. i ountains. crs n "The FlowE Marie Mayer, noted actress ande lecturer, is an American citizen. She reconaended has çQMpleted several national lec- 1 1unually shec ture tours, and,. without exepi nvongv exceUtio f Club Prý ýrLa, by1 >wer Lady"-as 16, at the -home of Mrs. Scott Kan-. 'iil give a prac- soni of 2404 Hartzell street, Evans- on flower ar- ton. >table decora- Assisting the bostess will be Mrs. 1Eston V. Tubbs, Mrs. J. D. Kinnear, ,Ocornes highly Mrs. L. A. Armstrong, Mrs. R. A. e various clubs. Walton, and Mrs. Carl Gepipert. .. ustr enainal cornmïttee. is serving as co-chairman with Mrs. Charles Bunnell of, Evanston on the coxnmittee ini charge of the Nýight Club. Working with them mwill be Mrs. Marcus Follansbee and Mrs. Hiarolti Barnes. Mrs. Barnes bas, .ïust returned to her home at 98 In- diati Hi. oad froni a three weeks' motor trip to the west coast with was