5 :3o a. m.-Sundar sobool and Bible 011 8e.ils.m.-Exainatlin of the confir- mnation clama. 8 p.ni.Weduesdy-Siith Lonten servie. Children's cire-le, t4ay, with Mrc". Agatha; Meyer, 753 Sunst road, Wln- Opn bouse. today, 7 to Il p. ni. Winnetka, cirçie. #iday. 8 p. mi., wlth. Mis. J. Ëberlein, 892 Cherry street. Sunday echboo staff, Frilday, 8:15 p. ni. Martha guild, for girls .unpioyed on? the north shore, next Thuraday, 380 P. nM. In the Il 'clock service the. confima- tion clam, wlll be examn& The. coni- j. mation exercîses willI take place on POlm sunday, Maroju 21. Thle members of the clans are Msle Bakkeino, Doria Deth- loU, Shirley Eiftman, Lucy Kapar, Jean Linidatroni, Kunice Smone, Doro- tluy Welier, Elvira Wl..., Ruth Zibble, Howard Anderson, Robert Brady. Ray- mond Drebes, Ndard Osborne. On Wednesday ovening, at 9 o'Oiock, the aixth Lonten service wIlI be held. The sermon will bo based on the words of Jesus spoken to the wornen of 3erusailm on the way to Calvary: '«If they do thone things lu a. green tree, what shal b. done ln the dryr" Luke 23:31. On Saturday, beglnniig et 9 a. mi., theo TlàdiesW Aid aocety wil couduct a bake Next WednsaMrh1,ti at0 ou r seriesof r"hurch Nîgh t f wllbé * ld TRie Dedîcatioui" wil be tRie theme of the evening. Dr. Horace Greé- iey Smith, presîdent of Garrett and a bc- loved former mInister of tRis church, *111 b. tRie speaker. Dr. Smith wll show theesentaiunlty of ecdigeneration and the inherent strength lu unlted Christianacin The Rev. Amoas Thrn- lastmeeing illbc particularly weli at- Mrs. L W.Mitchell, Wilmette 8769. Dînner la served at 6:30 o'clock. Thie pragram begins at 8:30 o'ciock. There ls a separate-prograni for children under the. direction of Mr. and Mia. Charles Lord and Miss Lucy Blckel of the board of oducation of tRie Metodiat EplacopaL churcRi. Tho Woman'a MissionS.ry sacloty la meeting. today (Thursday) at 1:30 rows wiil léad the devotions. Mms Mur- ray, former district presidouit of the Home society, wIll b. thie speaker. Mrs. Murray Is a speaker of unusual abilty, and It Is urged that ail wonien of the churcRi attend. A apecial Lenteui offering wiiI b. taken. The Prayer cice meets at 1 o'clock. Quartet-"4Rock of Âges"..Dudley Buck Offertoire soio-"ýThese Are Tho?." froni TRie Hol City. ...... . ... Gaul Beulah Casier EIwards Postlude-Allegro ........ Batiste MIss Emily Rtoberts, organist-director Our Church school meets departmnen- taliy at 9:30 a. mi. Beginners meet ln tRie church parlor durlng thie morning church service. Ail our departinents carry, on excellent projects and studios. Thie eighth gradera of aur Church achool are reminded to attend thie last two study periods of the Covenant dlass. The World Friendabip group which meets during thie mor'Ibig churcRi service will have a storY bour next Sunday. This period ie under the excellent leader- ship of Mrs. D. B. Stevenson and Mien Jean Gordon and la pianned purposely for prlmary and junior boys and girls. kappa Pi PhX1u1 ml ieét at 6 0 Ëit6 Sunday night. Refreshments and fel- lowahlp follow tRie regular discussion pe- rio& - The New Trier Sunday Evenlng club wili have Fredcric White, lecturer on "" Round thie World," wlth beautiful Illustrations. T i. services nexi. week w-yl b. 1[OIY Con-muunlofl WednesdftY at 7 a. in., Fri- day at 10-30 a. ni., and Wedncsday oYe- nlng service at 8. Thée speaker at the dowxtown Lenten services at thei arts theater neit, Week. *111 b. Bishop Spencer of KnssCity. Theo jointjSuflday evenlig Lenteui serv- ices of tRie different particlpatig congre- gaton wllb. held next Sunday evenin attie Whhlnette Metbodist chureh -at 7:30, with the Ilev.* John G. HlindleY of- tRie Congeegatlouiai churcRi as preacher. The Altar gulld meets neit Wrlday tomorrow) at 8 p. m.. In the church ofices In the rear of the ýparIsb housO. English Lutheran. Seventh street at Greenleaf «~A Rèuseo0f WorshlW" The Rev. Dlavid P- Kabele, pastor SUINDÂT SERVICES ChurcRi schooi-............... 9:45 a. ni. 1MOnfi n fSMtglP ......... 11- a Junior tLuther league ....... 3:00 p. . Senior Luthier league..... 6:30 P. nM. NU>.WEEK LENTEN SERViCE Wednosday evowulng at....... 800 p, mn TRie music for thie service of woi'sRip ncxt Sunday inorning lu as follows: Organ prelude-Ave Maria ..chubert Antheni-Cotue to me............cott TRie Senior choir Solo-Trust ln the. Lord ... ..... Handel . Jerome Nevins Methrodist Charck Lake and Wllmette avenues The RevAmoes Thornburg, mniulter The. ministor will be ln the. pulpit at the 1l o'clock worsbtp service next Sunday mornng, Ifarchl14. The.muisc -for thisi erice will b. au follows: f inembers on Easter d Abr Ing Scout troops for boys home- Ssponsoied byTtiis chuicRi: 826 Gr LTroop 1-T ursdays at Mr- ai TheE LTroop 28-Thursdays at aPeak, b. entertained et tRie At tRie service of worship noit Suinday lirs.ý J- W. Fisher, Jr., mornlng, which ls Passion Sunda.y, thie nue. Frlday, Mardi 12. pastor will preach on thie epistie for the. en T. FiferwilI assist. day, Hebrews 9:11-15. W. invite you. ta lley will b. tRie guest worship wlth us. Thie Junior' Luther league wlll meet at ool faculty will hRold 3 a'clock on Sunday afternoon. Williami Dr. ~ab0l ts-fribeabm.I tbble- *aZg(9Tkuflisy> st 8 oloek in theJu- I unday, Mfardi 14, wilI b. tRihitR Sunday lnU Lnt. There wiii b. Hoiy ir Communion at 8 a. m, ChurcRi scRiOOlI tuued. on page..64). I l i