Tit committee, composed of Town- shil Supervisor, Mrs. Gertrude M. Thrston, Township .Hcalth Officer, Dr.H A.Orvis,.and, Justiices of 'the Pea# Edmund W.: Burke and, Ralph, E. insheimer met Tuesday -even ing. of bis ýweek at which time a plain wa! outlined whereby the townshipj wotd take over tbe dentaland eye clints, the sameè to be opçrated inj cOnIàiction With the present .setup of Wilmnette Health Center. lit township has, for several years; SIRLOD cotdbuted toward the chest clinic PORTEM of -he Wil mette Health Center, but it i thought that by centering the RIS ROÀ towship's work on the eye and dent- nô bone- al cinic, that tbe samne may then be PRIME1 extaQded to cover the entire town- shij thereby resulting in greatly ex- Spring panjig this piich , neede scrviçe, E C amnc the children of the township. Center Approyes 1Pln S t Dr Orvis and Mrs. Thurston re- 8t port(d that the plan, as outlined, met with the approval of the Wilmettem Healh Center and also the Chicago POl Tubeculosis Institute. Vaious angles of the plan, includ'- U. S. No.1 ing orne legal phases, are being. Colorado w. ~w e e e Ti~6 Iba. avg. FRYING CHICKENS. Fancy Oressed. ROASTING CHICKENS. Fancy Dressed, 41/2 lb;. aVg . .. . . ... . .. l ..b. 33c IN STEAKS. Young and tender, lb....... 25 RHOUSE STEAKS. Young and tender, l.b. 291 Cnt from Beby Beef )AST BIEF. Boneless rolled, tendér and jui -no waste, lb... ..... . .. ..; BEEF POT ROAST. Ali selected cuts, l b.. 79c SALE i TIursday, Friday *agi Saturdoy I COCKTAIL CHERRIES I Neapolitan Maraschino style. I 5 -oz. bottles .. . . . . . . .... fo J MONARCH COFFIE 3-1b. glass jar .. .*****. . .... . . À c TOMATO JUICE Crosse & i c Blackwell. l3yý-oz. tins 1 forà - TOMATO JUICE Brown's le hcavy bodied. l3Y/2.oz. tins..-for c PINEAPPLE JUICE i c Dole's Hawaiian. No. 2 tins -6for. à 79e 79e 79e 79e 79é: Sli ced, 4-oz. tins 4 for 7 'own's fancy, Ytis., fr- own's Idiana.7 'IS Sweet- 7 n. No. 2 tins .3fr79e Deluxe o. -2.tins ..... 3for7e 1 Grade of the finest McClures, red va- tion, as it will ne financed from a portion of the funds which the town- ship receives from the excess commis- sions over the first $800,OOO colîected by New Trier Township Collector Sanborn Hale. The estimated cost of the plan. to the township, as presented by Dr. Orvis, does not exceed $3,500. lie will appreciate .yoùr com- ients regarding hi& statements. SPROUTS. Extra fancy fog-kist, weil packed 'qu Quart box ... .. . . ... . . . BEETS or CARROTS. Large buniches, fresh green1 3 bunches JL ETT UC E. California's finest, firm, crisp Icebt 2 for Large size ........à...................... 2 for: CAULIFLOWER. White snowballs, firrn, freshi, tei hie ad s .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ake Flour. 4-oz. pkg ....... i. INo. 2 tins ........... 4ced. No. 2 tins. ... )TS iced. No. 2 tins ..... POTATOES . Vacuum Pack ple Creanxed -61X£ ~ ortening ...3tin Li lb.3 35c 6fr79e' fr 79 56for 79eI 7Sfor 79e