Ivening club iast Sunc'ay vvenig 'yth bis lecture on "ItalY,"- will give 1b, ..beautifully illuistrated lecture "'round the World" this Sunday eening before the samie club atý the uéaI bhouri Mr., Wbite bas made tbree trip!7 ,ound'.tbe world in securing the rita and pictures for this lecture. In à by: land, sea and air he bas taveled a haif million miles. For four sasons lie was witb Burton Holimeý ad, for six years witbi Elmenclor 'ilictorial J ourne ys"i in full color rýhtly describes bis travelogs. This "Around tbe. World" lecture, ipresents a c riuse of 35,000 miles toý 2 counitries as follows: Western Wonderlands .... Across tie Pacific to Hawaii.. . Japan C'~hina . rang, ights~ cIbrious months in the East Indies Tbe. Teeming Orienit ' C4orful Siam and dreamy Ceylon * ..Mystk India . . .. Gateway te Ehiopia .'. . . Java and Bali .... Efyptian Temples. . . . The Holy Lnd . ..- Ancient Syria . . .. Tbe cliirming Mediterranean Countries 1-A *..Switzerland . . . Capitals of th IMiende tort!". The Rev. John.G. Hi#tdley, min- ister of the Prst Congregotionol church, wil Preach Sunday evening at the Union Le» ten service in the: Wilrnette Parish Methodist chwrch, Wilmette oand- Lake aenes Ls the service. 1 - Il UnSITV £< howev@fr, in ;o Gren COLD RUMEDIRS Do vioble Nouataln 35e Bromo uinineJ. .27C Noue & TIn'omt 1 Uo e Vick's N oe . Dr ap Atom i er 25c & 60<c orax T.bW* - .....25C 10 iHauts Efedro ... 45C Iflolly woo4i 8aorn nmir5< E.fI Damnes M..t..23e All puyrpose Camai'. Gaigie. pd Croan$2.98 65 & $1 e-Ga pasteurizOIl $3.79 Adex Tabiets .... 79c Coâcntrate.... 98c Viosterol, Sc..i... .53C Navitol Malt ... $1.69 White CLO Tabiets.. 98c Cords J Minerai on, pt. -.9 Tek Bvusime..... 39C Peroxide, Pt. .39c 11231 -1 I