nelcal program -for thie nernwg e service wlll be s fiow *,Adagio" <ý C mnieor sonia. t;anthein, *God Seà Loved the Stainer;ë.*solo. "The Battait of «e and the Masters," Chadwick, 1Otts, uolot; pestlude, &'Mareb [e," Gounod. WMa rma Rounds The Sunday achool wlll meet at 9:430 Wlock ln aIl departmoents. rue &Igllt class wlll begi the study et the leosn at 10 ocleck. We ar atudylng *'The Portraits eofJesus." W. Invite you tet join us. The Pastor's clamé for those who wlsh te jein the church at Ulster will meet at 9 :30 o'cloc-k. The Junior church will care for the chlldren durlng the mornlng woeshp service. Announeements for Sunds.r. Com- munIon service wll be recelvçd, at the parsonage on fflday froni 1 to 8 p. m. Wllmette and Lake avenues Rev. Amon Thozrpburg, minister The minister willl h ln the pulpit at the il o'clock worshlp service next Sun- day mornlng. Woruhlpers are reind- ed that the service actually begin wlth the organ prelude at 10:45 o'clock. The Introit in sung juut beforo il oclock. The special munie for next Sunday morn- ing wlII b. as follows:- Organ (10:46): *'Aie'.......... Handel "Andante Cantabile" (V Symphony).. .Marie Briel ehon Introoit: "Grant Me True Courage, Lord" ................ ........ Bach Anthei: **The Heavenu are Declarlng"' ....Bethoven af**r n'*' # q* *P in uAthfrst for Day. ,The Zbster neist anow uslng' prepared. Eyewyone, should have a church home whée- hoeor she liveo. If you have a letter lsewheo, ask the pastor 'to send for IL. The Scout troop for boys and girls, s1onsored by. this chyrcli. meet as fol- Girl Scout. Troop 1-T1hursdaYs at 7:15 o'cleck. Girl Scout T1roop 2-Thiurday at 3:45 o'clock. Girl Scout Troop 4-Tuesdays nt 3:45 o'clock. Broie Pack i1---Wednesday' at 1 3:30 o'clock. Boy Scout Troop. 3$-Thurnayâ At 7:30 oclocký. St. A ugustinest Dr. Hubert Carleton, rector Prelude_"The a"ofet Galle. (Peace.. Be stil») .............. Dean. Sahuri Anthen-A liegenl.... Tchal1kowuky Postlude-Ml Hermon (The Transfigura- tion)>............... .... Deane $hure Kappa Pi Phi wlll discuse "Nation al Youth, Action'.' at its 5:30 meeting next. Sunday evenlnj.- Jack Chrollc willl b. in charge cf thie discussion. The Cosy Corner eircle " wjIll> icet at the home of Mia.,F. H. GUY. 1525 Laite avenue. Thuraday. March 4. The as- sisting hostessos willl be Mis. C. U.. Darl;. lng. Mrs. P. -A. H1offman and Mms A. K. Mestian. The Crescont circle wtll hold Its next meeting. March 9. at the home cf is». U, W. Cessons, 7721 Sheridan road. Chii- cage. Mrs. C. P. Evans anid Mre. J. C. Baker wlll b. tii.. assistlng hostesses. IThe Boy Scouts will meet Moi evenlng. D nvite you The choir willI ning. Frlda3r la me ge&* aS oralt.i * lHlgh Sohool Epworth loaS Sunday evenlng t 6 te Riggan las the sponser1 iervloo. Covonaxit c lasi 10 o'elock nezt elghth graders eadvantage of Voslude-Andante frein the senata in ..Ma.o....................Dal At S oclocli nt Wednesday evenlug I