Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Mar 1937, p. 61

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ViteBR-820 BoX 60, Wllmette, Iîinoiüs WANTËED 5 BEDROOM HOUSE, 2 ,batha. 2-car garage. S., E. Wilmette r N. E. E1v-.fstn., Must'be good vaiue. ,. No agents..Write B-76, Bogc 60, ilmette, rIlhiois. il 3LTN4e-1tc' rosi *ALE-VACANt SMART PEOPLE BUYINO ,ACReACiE.VORHOMESITES 'or investments,. Theë district north- vrest fromn Evanston luS rapidly chianging fromn a rural community te a residenitial .teveiopment.' Many* or your friends have already boùght homesites in the Sunset R.ldge or: beautitul Bannockweod dis- tricts. Prices are going higher eve*try day se do flot delay In your purchase. See us for the best-buiys. LE IST, DODDS Nerthfleid Village Hall, Northfieid Ignekl1111 Greenleaf 278' ~Iflfltka I4LTN'43,-ltC Untusual Circumn-stances place this fine building site of 175 .by over 300 feet of property in the market for'the first tirne. Most convenletit to transporta- Oo1n, sebools, 'and lake. No tele- *phone Information given. Se Mrs. Olmsted. E. SAWYER SMITH Eine big lawn ln West. $5,000 'caSi ably the best ef thi tremaining. .Bound If iriterested ask uii NORTH SHC1 523 Win:netka Ave. Large- Lot- TU~A Tr ~ A aà SEE N. M. HOKÀNSON Hokanson & Jenks, hIn. 513 Davis Street Greenleaf 1617 j 124LTN43-ltc. 50 acr frm,, 3 miles B arrington sta., stock & eqiuipment optionail. Also 6 rmn. hse in village.: 90 acre ferm,: 4 miles s.w. Barringtoi,. ail under c ultivation, lake ýpossibili- ties, stock &lequipment optionai.'. 4$acre est.%te,,beautifully wooded, main hu.&gst. hse. 4 baths, modern' im-, provements, emaililake. ALSO OTHER' COUNTRY AND VILLAGE PROPERTIES HELE4NE LEDERER 1 EXCLUSIVE AGENT 260 E. Main Jarrington 37 124L1N43-Itp WAGNER ROAD, GLENVIEW Beautiful wooded acreage opposite North Shore Golf course. Al improve- mnents available. Restricte'd residentiai. TIn tracts, of 1 toac gres ut IAssthan Walnut coffee 'table $16, mah. table $8, 'ohairs '75e to $6, Adam dresser and cheut $15, oak bed and springs $3, mah. telephone stanbd and chair 39.'Dic items very cheap. C THE LAMINGO SHOP~ 970 Linden' Ave. Winnetka. 2067 129LTN43-ltc :by Best Euys of the Week i3EAUTIFUL LOUIS XVI CHAISE. longue, down cushions (purchased ln Patiîs at cost of $350), $75. Lovely dlec. nursery furn., complete, $30. Imperial Kashan rug, 1'x2V'8", wili sacr. Shown by appointment. Mxs. Geo. Van Fleet, M7 Linden Ave., Winnetka 2067.. MAH. CAR VED' 4 POSTER, BOX springu,, matt., $35. Ant. oval gold lent xirror, -$10. Wal. carved chair, $5. Cab. victirola, 160 records, $15. Smali mah. dresser, $8, MlI paintitigs by repre-, sentative artists. Wilmette 2149.' 129LTN43-Ite SE FOR BSAL y. Quk remc asa aise. Zion E Ave., Highland< -Well-l3uiIt Dog House 32ffx4l", 26" HIGH. WINN8ETK4 1367. 131LT4-lte SET OP' 14 GOLF CLUBS, FIN*"T wodeand ironsbrown lesther 'bag. Used veryllitie. Priced for ,nuediatà alie. Cali Winneotka. 087. 131LTX3-lt '8 room common brick, 3 water heat, studio livin ed % acre. Taxes $120. $150. Price $18,600, part new FHIlo an. WYATT & R 1026 Waukegan Rd. Glef Tnvestors Atte mnight take. IProb-- few bargain lawns o be bought soofl. te see it.' RLREALTY' Winnetka 81 b 114LTN43-4tc ln Nor-th Shore Si Best prices.-for book3ý p.i $1.00 per 100 pounds. 'M Sma1I Price 1 43-1tcje

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